Chapter 8: The Lake

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(Hello there! This is a cross x dream chapter. I have a lot of plans for this book, but it's so hard when you have to flesh out all the relationships. It's a lot of work. Enough rambling, I hope you like this chapter)

Dream was at the park. He had tried to tell his friend, Blue, to come with him for some fresh air. The pair had been looking for Ink ever since he had gone "missing" for the day. Dream then thought that his friend might be in the park. He tried to convince Blue to come with him, but Blue wanted to stay and search for Ink. Dream was now here in the park, walking down the path.

He had looked for Ink for a long time now. He couldn't find him anywhere. He thought to himself that it might be a good idea to walk, so his stresses for his friend could perish.

As he walked, he looked at his surroundings. He was walking on a white, narrow path. Lots of people where walking there as well. The path was a few meters wide. On both sides of the path, there were pink cherry blossom trees. They followed the path as the Dream walked along it. On the left side and the right side on the path, there was grass all around. Dream heard children playing on the grass with one another.

Dream smiled at his surroundings. He loved to walk on the path. He loved the cherry blossom trees. He loved the laughter and happiness this place brings. He appreciated that it existed.

Dream had good memories here. On bright Summer days, he and his brother Nightmare, used to play here. They used to play tag all day in the soft and smooth grass. Then they used to climb up the trees and make flower crowns. They used to have competitions, of who would make better flower crowns. After that, they usually went cloud gazing.

Dream giggled at his memories. Then he remembered that that was all in the past and that Nightmare had changed now. He sighed and smiled sadly realising he could never be able to change that.

Dream turned his head with the same sad smile on his face. He saw that on the left of the path, behind the bushes, was a small blue lake. Dream examined it and saw that no one was there. He decided that he would go there.

His legs moved him along the path to the left. He walked past the bushes and looked ahead. He saw that there was another skeleton before him.

The skeleton looked familiar to Dream. He soon realised it was Cross, one of Nightmares group members. It looked like Cross didn't realise dream was there.

Dream thought of leaving but something inside him wanted to stay, and talk to him. Dream finally decided to stay.

Dream walked a few steps forward, each step making the grass sway against his feet. Cross turned his head and looked at Dream with his piercing stare.

"Greetings" said Dream, smiling at him. "Would you be bothered if I sat down?"

Cross stared at him for a few long moments.

"No" said Cross, finally.

Dream took a few steps forward and sat down next to Cross. His legs were spread out. They were almost touching the water. Dream put his hands on the grass behind him and looked forward.

He stared at the lake for a few seconds. He turned to Cross who was looking face forward at the lake, with an angry stare. Dream could feel negative feelings coming from him.

"Is there anything wrong?" Asked Dream.

"I'm Angry" said Cross, still staring at the water.

"How so?" Asked Dream.

"Everyone got detention and they're not coming here" said Cross.

"Oh" said Dream, sadly. "Where you planing to meet up here?"

"Yes" said Cross.

"Maybe you can meet up another day" said Dream, looking on the bright side.

"It's Friday" replied Cross. "They're probably not going to want to come here on Saturday"

"Well, they might" said Dream.

"I don't really think so" said Cross.

Dream looked at Cross one more time before looking at the grass. He crossed his legs and shuffled closer to look at the water, like Cross was doing. He saw his own reflection.

"My friend was missing today" said Dream. "Do you believe that my friend went to detention?"

"Who knows" replied Cross. "Maybe"

Dream looked closer at the lake. Maybe Ink really was in detention. The only question that remained was why?

"So, how was your day?" Asked Dream, changing the subject.

"Uh, Okay" said Cross. "What about yours?"

"It was fine" answered Dream. "I was a bit worried about my friend all day."

"He's alright" said Cross.

Dream turned his gaze to Cross. He had said 'a friend' not he or his. How did Cross know who Ink was? And how did he know he's alright?

"I hope your right" said Dream, deciding what to say.

The sun was starting to go down the horizon. Dream looked up at the sun and smiled brightly.

"Do you like the sun set?" Asked Dream.

Cross turned his gaze to the sky then Dream. "I guess" he said.

"I find it magnificent" said Dream, looking into Cross's eyes.

Dream looked into his Eyes. Dream had gotten lost. He had a strange look in his eye. It had a look of mischief in them. But they also looked sensible and wise. Dream thought that Cross's eyes looked interesting.

"Your eyes look interesting" said Dream.

"Yours too" said Cross.

Soon the sun had set and the moon was rising. Stars were starting to come out. Dream looked up at them, so did Cross.

"Y'now" started Cross. "When you look at the stars, they seem liked they're all beautiful. But when you look closer, you can see patterns. You see, the stars in the sky represent our ancestors. You can see there all looking down at us. There spirits are watching over there families. When you see the patterns, you can interpret signs"

Dream followed Cross's gaze. The starts seemed to shine more brighter when he explained them.

"Look" said Cross. "Over there."

Dream looked up to see a falling star. His eyes gleamed as he saw it.

"Quickly" started Cross. "Make a wish, before it dies out"

Dream closed his eyes and wished his sacred wish. 'I wish everything will be fine and you will keep me safe until it's time for me to come to you' he wished. He opened his eyes to find Cross looking at him.

"Now, your sacred wish will be held in the stars until the break of time" said Cross.

"Wow" said Dream. "How do you know all this?"

"I was taught" said Cross, looking brightly at Dream.

"Well your teacher must be very proud of you" said Dream, looking at him.

"I hope he is" said Cross, looking up at the sky.

Dream looked at the sky too. He felt comfortable when he was around Cross. But, Cross was interesting and strange at the same time. He realised what Cross had said about his teacher. He looked at Cross feeling so sorry for him. But, Dream then realised that Cross was probably used to it. He felt sympathy for him, something new he's never felt before.

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