Chapter 1

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I knew I shouldn't have come here. This was all a huge mistake. I need to leave right now before he sees me.

Before I find the exit to this hellhole of a house, my best friend Kyle approaches me with a concerned look on his face. He's probably worried about Cameron and I causing a scene at his graduation party. I don't blame him really, it wouldn't be the first time we've caused a scene at an important event.

Memories come flooding back from my father's engagement party. That was one hell of a day, in a good and bad way. Me and Cameron ended up confessing our feelings towards each other but not without causing a scene beforehand. Nothing happened between us anyways. I wish it did though.

My thoughts are interrupted as I hear his voice call my name, "Amy!"


No no no. I need to escape right this second. I can't deal with this right now. I have too much on my mind as it is. I don't need to add him to the mix as well. It's stressful enough as it is.

He's getting closer, I need to go but my feet won't cooperate. Agh, why does this always happen to me. When he's close enough to touch me, my legs finally let me leave.

Whilst I was dealing with my non-cooperating legs, I forgot that Kyle was standing in front of me. As I hug him and say goodbye, I hear Kyle shout after me, "Be careful. I'll see you tomorrow!"

I find the exit, and quickly rush to find my car keys in my bag. Why is there so much trash in here, I can still hear his voice indoors. He's getting closer, I can tell. We have this weird sort of connection, that I can tell when he's nearby. Just like I can tell what he's thinking, and him me. As I expected, I hear the back door open and Cameron comes out, with a worried expression.

Just in time, I find my keys and make a mental note to organise my stuff more. I unlock my Jeep and climb inside just as Cameron finds me in the car park. We lock eyes just as I drive away and give him my best 'I don't want to speak to you' face.

But truth is, I miss him so much it's unhealthy. And I would never admit it to him, but whenever I see him, my heart skips a beat and I find myself trying to catch a breath. I know it sounds dramatic but it's true.

But we would never work.

Even if it ends badly, we always seem to be drawn back together somehow.

And the problem is, I'm happy about that.

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