How To Overcome Bullying

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How to stand up to bullies:

The first thing you have to do is ignore them.

If they are trying to hurt you with words, just ignore them. If they are spreading rumors about you, the people that you can trust won't believe them. If it really affects you, the best thing you can do is tell them, "Can you please stop?"

If they don't stop, then tell somebody. It will make you feel much better and it is not tattling. If it personally hurts you, then tell someone. 

If you can't manage or aren't ready to do so, then at least talk to someone. Get it off your chest. I'm not saying you have to, but it will help. 

I know it sounds cheesy and cliché, but it really does help.

How to help yourself emotionally:

I can't stress this enough but take care of yourself.

You should take advantage of the time you have away from your bully. You are better than the bullying, and you should take care of yourself! You a queen (Or king <3)!

The chances are, the bully is going though something and they are humans just like you, and they are probably bullying you to "feel better about their problems, or make them feel special."

You shouldn't let it get you down! You can do it, and you can overcome it!

If you want to talk, Pm me at laurenak17 or right here on @thebullyfreezone

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