How To Talk

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Okay, you might be looking at this title thinking "well I already know how to talk!" But, that's not what I mean. 
What I mean is how to talk to someone about your problems. I know how hard it is to get out all of your worries and problems, but I'm here to help!

How to talk:

I like to start of with getting in a quiet place. My place is my backyard, or the park. It can be anywhere. You also want a trustworthy person, (ex: mom, dad, friend, stepmom, grandparents, etc.)

From then on, it takes a little to start, but I usually like to tell it like a story. Like, "so it started off like ___ and then.." It just all comes out. I promise. 

Other ways is to say "hey do you know *insert name* well, they have been ___ for a while now..." Or you can just straight out say "I'm being bullied."

If it is hard to get it out, something I like to do is write it all down. You can give the piece of paper to the person, and just wait until they read it. 

If you don't have a person to talk to:

Do something that gives you an escape. I like to take bike rides alone, read, write. As long as its not bad for you, then its a great way to leave yourself with your thoughts and nothing else. 

If you cant do that, then try and keep your thoughts somewhere. I think of our minds as a volcano. If you have too much pressure, too many things to say, then you will just explode and you might spill it to the wrong person at the wrong time. 

So try to get it out somewhere or somehow.

If you have any questions, Pm me at 

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