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Meeting him wasnt nice at all.
I just know my life is ruined before it happened. I can see it that i will never be able to be happy like others.

Never i will be able to spend my time in park spending my time with the one i love. Visiting beautiful views from the top of roofs of the highest buildings and spend the time with stars and moon. But how that can happen when i am getting marry with the person i dont love at all and there isnt any chance that he will ever fall for me. 

Accepting the truth...the one week past. Not with my happiness because i knew it wont be good. But whatever.

Me and Namjoon met alot if times this week because of arrangements of wedding. He wasnt happy too but he was also faking it that he is happy.
I even caught him once saying 'I LOVE YOU' on the call. Blah blah whatever but i felt a little hurt.

This week wasnt that much good until the day of wedding came....

The day...the day of what everyone were waiting for with joy.

The day i will be handled to someone else who dont even love me.

The day when i wont be of myself and of my parents.

The life will change.

This is too much to describe that i am sad but happy too that i am actually facindg this that i wished. I really wanted to feel the worriness and nervousness like all people do while they are walking down the asile.

And i am already feeling nervous.

The week wasnt good and Tomorrow is my wedding. It went so fast


I did everything for the wedding

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I did everything for the wedding. All my affords to let people know that i am happy. But i am not. I want to marry my girl friend....

I told her that i am going on a bussiness trip for a week or two. I liked because i had to be here for the arrangements.

I faked my emotions alot here.

But we have to do it. I dont have any other option other than that.

So here we are.

The one week was just OK for me. Seeing everyone happy...somehow makes me feel alive. I never was happy because i never have seen people around ne becoming happy. And thats why i was giving more time to them to feel happy while they are.

Tomorrow is our wedding.

He will be here.

I dont know if we will be able to get along or just fake it infront of everyone while hating eachother so much inside.


○stay happy
○love yourself

○stay happy○love yourself

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