it: you come out

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richie: "same bitch"
he asks for a threesome

bill: "i love you no matter what. okay?" kisses ur fucking temple

stan: *rolls eyes* "brUh you thOt i dIdnT knOw?"

ben: he's pretty hesitant tbh. he's self conscious and finding out that you like girls and boys makes him even more insecure. he supports u tho

eddie: "that's completely fine. i'm glad you told me. if you didn't, you might not have told anyone. and bottling up your emotions is not good. it can lead to depression and anxiety and i don't want you hurting yourself, especially because you don't know proper wound care. i can teach you if you'd like, as long as you promise not to hurt yourself. got it, fucknut?"

bev: "lmfao i already knew"

mike: he's so proud of you, he gets your pride flag and hangs it up in his room, he is so happy you trusted him. he's such a pure bean

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