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(((Y/N)'s POV))

"Haaa...What's the fuss all about?" I stopped and found Ayame stitching Yuki's clothes. I hastily stood between Ayame and Shigure then tapped their shoulders.

Both of them turned to their zodiac forms as soon as I did so. Surprisingly, I didn't change into my fox-like look. I tied Ayame's snake body around Shigure's poor neck.

"A-A-A-A-Ah, (Y/N)-chan!" Tohru stuttered.

I untangled Ayame from Shigure's neck after that long begging. For some reason, I found Yuki sigh in relief before I untangled them.

After they change back into their clothes, Ayame suggested, "As I said, should you not believe me, come visit my shop someday!"

"I'll go..." Yuki muttered.

Before they could look at him in confusion, I had already choked on my tea.

"Eh? Do you already object to that?" Shigure snickered and returned his attention to Yuki

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"Eh? Do you already object to that?" Shigure snickered and returned his attention to Yuki.

"I said that if I can, I'd like to visit your shop sometime..." he said after that. "I want to understand you better."

Ayame jumped in joy, "(Y/N)-san! You should probably come. You too, Tohru-kun!" 

"H-Huh? What?!" Tohru gasped at the sudden invitation. Ayame rushed upstairs and later came back.

"It's decided, so I can make haste in preparing for your arrival! Farewell to all!" he chuckled and left the house.

Yuki dropped in grief and said, "Sorry, Honda-san, (Y/N)-san. You don't have to come if you don't want to..."

"Don't worry. If it's no trouble, may I accompany you?" she asked."Of course. Also you, (Y/n)-san," Yuki smiled at me.

"Oh, of course, Yuki," I replied, "Why won't we head there this afternoon? The weather is good today."

"Then we shall head there by three," he said and left the living room.


"I have a bad feeling bout this place..." Yuki mumbled. "Well, I did have a bad feeling from the start."

"I doubt that this is the place, Yuki-kun," I sweatdropped at the shop in front of us. "Are you sure this is the place?"

"Yes, I believe this is it," he rechecked the piece of paper that was given to him recently. "The sign has a charming design!" Tohru complimented at the sign beside the door.

"That! It's that sign's shadiness that makes me even more uneasy," Yuki grimaced. "It wouldn't be bad if we come inside," I said. The door made a 'click ' and we entered. 

It was full of ribbons and other crafts that I know of.

"Sorry, we're closed to...day..." a woman, wearing a maid dress, said and stared at us. "Oya*?"

Yuki dropped the piece of paper, but I snatched it immediately. "Mine! About hemming this...?" Ayame's head popped from a door nearby. He looked at the three of us.

"Yuki!" he ran up to him, holding a bouquet of flowers and wearing a...wedding dress?

"Hey, you. Go change into your usual clothes, otherwise, I'd rip that dress out of your body," I glared at him and he promptly complied.

After he changed in his clothes he exclaimed, "Ah, forgive me! I was adjusting the hem of this wedding dress for a client."

"Using a man's measurements," I snickered and leaned on the back of the sofa.

"But of course! A man requested this!" he ranted, ignoring my previous statement. "A man will wear it?" Yuki asked in a depressed tone.

"Everyone has a secret garden hiding one, two, or three things they cannot tell others," Ayame replied.

"S-So what kind of shop is this?" Yuki asked.

"It's quite simple. In addition to selling crafts, this shop serves customers looking for tailor-made clothes," Ayame explained, "And naturally, as the shopkeeper, I hand-make, the requested clothes myself! I fear no style of clothing."

"Do you really just continue talking like you don't hear our mouths, sheesh," I sighed at the two, then continued what I was doing.



"Anyways, here is but a small sample of my finished work!" he said and raised up his 'grand work' in our faces.

Tohru smiled, "Ah! These are what Hatsuharu-san told me about! Wow, you're marvelous, Ayame-san!"

"I highly doubt," I mumbled.

"Indeed, I am marvelous!" Ayame agreed to that innocent statement. "Well, Yuki? I'm ready for you to shower me with praise! Go on now!"

"Why is it always those kind of clothes?" he said.

"They're most popular! Maid outfits are number one!" he continued to talk and talk.

I think this would last a little later on. "Haaa..."


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