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"Hatsu-kun, are you sure you want me to join? I think it's a bad idea to−"

"I needed someone to join me. Plus, you're a close friend of Rin. She must be happy to see you," Hatsu-kun slid open the door and found Rin sitting on her bed.

"How do you feel, Rin?" he greeted.

Hatsu-kun walked over close to her bed, holding a bouquet of flowers. "Get out," Rin mumbled.

He continued to walk and placed the roses in a vase, "It's so drab in here, I bought this to spruce this place up."

"Look aren't they pretty?" he settled the vase beside her but she just swatted it away. 'clack '

"I don't need..." Rin muttered.


"I don't need you anymore. I'm tired of you" she finally said to him. I couldn't do anything but stare. I knew that Hatsu-kun is really upset, and yet, I couldn't do anything for them.


"Tohru! Yuki! Kyo! (Y/N)!" Momitchii yelled from outside the classroom. "Oh no! Oh no! This is bad!"

"What is it, Momitchii-kun?" I stood up from my chair. "Things are bad here, too," Uotani commented.

"Why's that?" Momitchii asked with an instant interest.

"Forget that, Momitchii-kun! What is it?" I asked. "Er, well−" Suddenly, the door was slid open by Yuki.

"Ah! It's Yuki!" Momitchii exclaimed.

"Hello, Yuki-kun! Did you have student council duties?" Momitchii asked with a greeting. "Oh, Yuki-kun," I said.

"Oh, yeah. Momiji, is your homeroom over?" he asked.


"Hah! Momitchii-kun was in the middle of saying something," I glared at his small figure. "Oh, yeah! It's bad!"

He explained, "Haru's turn Dark and is on a huge rampage in our classroom."

Me, Yuki, Momitchii, Tohru, and Kyo rushed towards their classroom.

The whole place was a mess. I sighed. "Let me through," Yuki said while we approached. "Ah, Yuki-sempai! It's dangerous in there," one of the first-years jolted in our direction. 

"It's fine, we can deal with it," I assured the crowd. "Please move away from the classroom."

They moved a few feet away from the door and we entered. I closed the door, just in case something happens.

"At least he hasn't screwed up and turned into an ox," Kyo said. "Oi, Haru!"

"Hah?" Hatsuharu growled.

"Hatsu-kun, don't bring that situation to school. It'll also cause us more problems," I reminded him.

"Shut up!" he yelled.

"What are you doing, Haru?" Yuki steps forward. "I'm on a rampage. Can't you tell?" he replies. Who answers like that? I mean, he's not wrong, right?

"If you want to stop me, come at me ready to kill," Hatsuharu continues.

"What should we do?" Momitchii mused.

"It's been a while since Haru became this Dark," Yuki recalled. Haha~ I believe that was my fault.

"What? It's more serious than the previous Darks?" Tohru asked. "I can't say what's the difference but I think so," I replied.

"You'd better quit that crap, Haru!" Kyo starts to close his distance between him and Hatsuharu. "And right, your rampaging causes problems for us too."

"Shut it, stupid cat. Your stupid existence causes trouble for us all, stupid cat!" Hatsuharu spat.

"How long will he say stupid cat at every end of each sentence, Momitchii?" I sweatdropped.

"I don't know, either," Momitchii replies.

"What? Damn brat, say that again?" Kyo growls. "Kyo-kun!" Tohru said.

I stopped her from coming any closer. "Don't. You'll get hurt," I reminded her. Somehow, she obeyed.

"Don't rise on the bait, stupid cat," Yuki taunted.

"You stop acting cool and do something!" Kyo yelled.

"Haru, I don't know the reason behind this but you shouldn't be rampaging in school," Yuki says, ignoring Kyo.

"Eh? Princess Yuki is such a worry-wart. Afraid I'll accidentally transform on my rampage? We'll go down together then, huh?" Hatsuharu smiled.

"No. There's more to it than that. It's stupid!" Yuki said, with the same blank frown on his face.

"Stupid! Stupid! So damn stupid!" he yelled. "You're so twitchy. You'd feel a lot better if we just let everyone know!"

"Hatsuharu-sa-" Tohru moved. Shit, not now!

"Right?!" Hatsuharu approaches Tohru. He grips Tohru's arm, "Don't you think so, too?"

I take out my handkerchief and put my hand on Hatsuharu's hand. "Hatsuharu," I mimicked the voice of Rin.

He widens his eyes and lets go of Tohru.

Before I could even react, Hatsuharu was punched away by Kyo and was flying across the room.

"I don't know what you're so damn pissed about, but don't drag Tohru into your dumb tantrum," Kyo hissed him.

"Stop acting cool, stupid cat," Hatsuharu stands up.

"I'm not trying to, moron," Kyo refuted.

"Of course. You've gotta show your good side to her, huh? Come one, wanna snap my head off?" Hatsuharu growled.

Kyo charges forward and grabs his collar.

And a bucket of water was dropped on top of their heads.


(A/N): Ahh~ I'm going to update frequently from now on.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Apr 14, 2021 ⏰

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