Kabanata 12 (R18)

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Kabanata 12


I END UP taking a bath with him. I was feeling a bit nervous because this is my first time taking a bath with him! Well I took a bath to Kevin and the others, we even show each other's cròtch and it's normal to us. So why I'm acting like this towards a man?

Oh yeah, because I'm inlove with him. And that makes the situation different.

He was almost naked and so as me! He was the one who took of my clothes, he insisted even how much I stopped him. And I just don't get it, why the fvck my eyes can't stop staring at his body?!

The water was cascading down to his body and he looks hot! I was gulping from time to time because I feel like my throat is becoming dry from time to time. He has a perfect body built, from his Adam's apple, his bare chest, his pink nipples, his perfectly carved six pack abs, his v-line, his thighs and not to mention his bulging 'front'.

"Nich, you're eye raping me," the latter said while playing his lips.

"Can't I?" I asked like it was normal to ask. Our skin were touching because we're sharing the shower and it wasn't helping to my 'front', it keeps on twitching from time to time!

He smiled. "You can admire me as long as you want."

"Bakit pakiramdam ko lumalaki na ang ulo mo?"

"Sorry, I can't help you're too sexy so I got hard," he said with a mischievous smile.

"Huh?" I asked when I didn't get what he just said.

"Nothing," he answered.

After a half of an hour, we finished taking a bath. We stepped out of the bathroom while wearing a bathrobe, not to mention who wear it to me. I can't do anything because everytime I insist, he would glare me like I made a big sin. He also laughed when he saw my 'front' standing when he removed my boxer!

"Faster so I can blower your hair also," sabi nito. He was sitting on the chair while I was on his back blowering his hair. He has a black healthy hair and it was good on my hands.

"It's almost done," sagot ko sa kanya. Maya-maya lang, "done," sabi ko pagkatapos.

Agad siyang tumayo at tinulak ako sa upuan. Kinuha din niya sa kamay ko ang blower at walang pakundangang umupo sa hita ko! "Stay still. This will be quick," he giggled.

"Fvck you. You're heavy!" I exclaimed. He kissed me without hesitating!

"Shut your mouth or I'll let you eat my díck," he threatened, I shut up.

He started blowing my hair and everytime our eyes met, he always give me a smile, in return I always glare at him.

I bit my lips gently when I feel my crótch hitting on his butt. Since we're only wearing a bathrobe, I can vividly feel the hotness of his butt and I could die now. Is he aware of it? Cause if not, swear I'm going to die for feeling so good! Or he just don't mind? If he don't, how can he?! My crótch is poking into his butt and he'll just ignore it?!

"L-Lav," I called his name trying to sound normal. He glimpsed at me before continuing drying my hair. "C-Can you move a little bit? You're feeling it, d-don't you?"

"Ah?" he asked maybe processing what I've said. "Hahaha," he laughed when he realized it, I think. "You mean your shaft poking me?" he asked, I nodded out of embarrassment. "Isn't it was normal?"

"You're torturing me, didn't you know?" Naguguluhan itong tumingin sa akin. "Damn, you're stupid." I slapped my forehead. "You feel hot and I can't help feeling lust, you know?" I explained.

Finding The Last Water Fairy(BxB)-ON-GOING Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora