Kabanata 15

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Kabanata 15

THE WOMAN WALKED outside the room like nothing happened. The moment she left the room, Nicholas fell on the floor roughly. He feels like his whole body got burned. He curled his body like a fetus and didn't know what to do, all he can do was to groan and moan. He was stupefied because of the exaggerating pain all over my body, and he can feel the liquid dripping on his arm, it was hit by the shattered mirror while ago. He wasn't able to avoid the shattered mirror because he can't move his body like someone controlled it.

Minutes had passed and the pain is slowly fading away, it became bearable compared awhile ago. He tried stretching his hand to reach the sink, it took him several trials before holding into it.

"H-Help," he asked for help but no sound escaped on his lips.

Suddenly, he heard a soft click of the main door. It gave him goosebumps, afraid that the strange woman returned, he quickly went to one of the cubicle while enduring the pain. He hide. He tried hard to not make any sound, his cut on his arm was like beating open-close.

UPON OPENING THE door of the comfort room, Flavio panicked at the scene he saw. Broken mirror and a blood scattered on the floor. His hands were trembling convincing himself that he was thinking wrong. "Nich! Nicholas! What happened?! Where are you Nicholas?!" He run through the cubicles and opened them one by one, he doesn't care if the door was slamming on the wall. He need to see Nicholas. He need to be assured that Nicholas was fine.

His eyes opened widened upon seeing what's inside the fourth cubicle. He saw Nicholas sitting on the floor while breathing heavily. The blood were continuously dripping on his arms.

He immediately run towards him and tore the hem of his t-shirt, covering Nich's cut. He apply some force into it to control the bleeding of his cut, Nicholas twitch a little.

"What happened? Did someone hurt you? And slammed you in the broken mirror? Why didn't you fight? How couldn't you lost from that--"

"N-Nothing. No one... I just... lost my balance... Nothing is serious at all." Nicholas lied. He didn't want to say what he witnessed while ago. He doesn't want Flavio to be worried. He didn't admit that aside from his arm, his body was also hurt.

"Why aren't you being careful?" he said with an annoyed and distress on his voice. "And why did you collapsed? Definitely it was because we had a great séx while ago."

Enduring the pain, Nich can't help chuckling. 'How could this guy joke in this kind of situation?' Nich asked on his mind. He shook his head.

The guy who was helping him to stand became irritated. "Don't chuckle. Your cut will be triggered," he said.

"Then... Don't joke around," Nicholas answered in a weak and low voice, enough to hear by Flavio.

Flavio gave him a cold look. "It wasn't some sort of joke. We had a great séx, that's why you collapsed." He said as if he was really sure about that.

Nicholas didn't argue anymore and let the latter think that way to stop him from asking some follow-up questions.

As soon as Flavio helped Nicholas lying on bed after washing his body, he applied some ointment on Nich's arm and bandage it, and after he grabbed Nich's clothes on the bedside table. He didn't let Nicholas wore his clothes himself, from the underwear to the top, Flavio helped him wore them.

Though Nicholas was a bit uncomfortable that the latter can see his naked body, he can't do anything upon looking at Flavio's serious face. He was gentle on his every movement comparing to when they first met.

Nicholas stared at the guy in front of him and he was stunned by this guy's gentleness and softness as if it was the first time for Flavio in taking of him. Isn't it?

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