Story time || Chapter 12

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Wait was the last chapter actually sad? Cause if it was I didn't mean to make it sad lmaooo

Anywaysss like I said every other day updates, so please don't ask me to update this. I'll update it when I want to.

Please don't come at me for this chapter :))


"Dream fucking move he's gonna wake up soon."

"Oh shut up Sapnap. Why don't you tell Karl to back off."

Sap just glared at Dream, while he stayed at his spot right besides Georges bed.

"Umm because he isn't obsessed with George like you are. I mean you literally railed him."

Dream just scoffed. "Fuck off will you?"

"Listen all I'm saying is that when he's up I guarantee he's not gonna want you staring him down."

Karl looked up at the two. "Ok I swear to god if both of you don't shut the fuck up right now I'm going to kill you. At least get out of the room and talk."

Sapnap had his lips in a tight straight line while heading for the door. Dream sighed and got up following him.

"If he wakes up or anything let me know."

"Ok-" With that both Sapnap and Dream were out the door, already heading downstairs, leaving Karl and a sleeping George in his room alone.

"Fucking idiots." Karl said under his breath.

He pulled out his phone calling Quackity. "Hey Q how's Tommy?"

Even though they had just gotten home, Tommy had been clinging onto Wilbur the entire time crying.

"He's.. upset? I don't know how to put it. He keeps saying it's Dreams fault, but then saying it not. Then continuing to cry about how Tubbo doesn't deserve this."

Quackity took in a sharp breath. "I don't blame him... this is like as if you had got taken by Jared-"

"Ok Quackity I get it." Karl cut him off with a stern voice.

"That was just in called for to bring him up, call me if anything happens with Tommy." With that he hung up huffing.

Now time to wait.

Karl sat next to George for hours waiting for him to wake up. Yes, to the others they thought he was being over dramatic, but Karl didn't give a shit.

He had gotten up to use the bathroom. Closing the door lightly.

He still couldn't believe that Schlatt managed to take Tubbo. They all swore to never let him come in contact with the younger ever again, but clearly that didn't happen.

He used the bathroom and walked out looking down at his feet before he heard shifting on George's bed.

His head snapped up and was met by Georges half lidded gaze. Once he realized it was Karl his eyes widened a little.

"What the fuck? Wasn't I in a basement or something?"

Karl rolled his eyes having a smirk on his face. "You idiot, we got you out.." He hesitated to continue.

"But umm.. we had to give Schlatt Tubbo.."

George looked at Karl confused, he was walked over to George and sat on his bed.

"Wait why? Don't you guys like hate Schlatt or something?"

Karl sighed. "Something like that, I might as well tell you the story about Tubbo, Tommy and Will."

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