Gain some, loose some || Chapter 24

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Guys i didn't die and nothing happened to me

I just took a break, i was getting to much stress from writing but i think I'm back now

(I changed my tiktok in to my own personal one, so let me know if you guys want me to make a new one for updates :) )

Wilbur's car pulled up next to Dream's, everyone getting out of the cars. "Alright Dream where's he at." Wilbur spoke up, making his way over to Tommy with Ranboo following behind.

Dream checked his watch and looked up at the others, "He said they'd be out back around here, just follow me alright, make sure you have everything ready just in case we get attacked. Once again this is Schlatts base, be as quiet as possible."

Everyone nodded their heads, Dream making his way towards the house. George stayed close to Dream, adrenaline pumping. He knew he shouldn't be getting excited for this seeing as though he's technically still a hostage, but who could blame him.

They all made their was behind the house, being sure to doge all cameras, they all stayed close to a wall waiting for Bad and Tubbo.

"Is he even coming...? Dream was this some sort of trap.." Everyone heard Tommy's frantic whisper's, Dream looked over at him with a glare, warning him to be quite.

They all stood in silence before they heard a door open and someone talking, everyone began to be even more cautious.

Even though they couldn't hear what was being said, they all knew someone wasn't happy. "Yea yea, just tell Schlatt im letting him out for some air."

"But Bad-", "Skeppy just go tell him that, everything's fine and you know its not a right to keep Tubbo here." The group heard a few mumble's from Skeppy, but then footsteps walking off.

Once they heard a door close and some feet shuffling, Dream looked over to where they were hearing it, making sure it was Bad and Tubbo.

He sighed in relief that it was them, making everyone else get out of their tense state. Dream moved away from the wall, but still being hidden just to make sure nobody else was with them.

"Dream?" Bad whispered loud enough for all of them to hear, Dream not responding. "Dream I know you're here.. and it's just me and Tubbo so you have nothing to worry about, I promise."

With a few second's of silence, Dream moved all the way back, away from the wall so Bad and Tubbo could see them. Everyone else still staying silent, watching the three.

"Bad." , "Dream" Dream spoke in a stern tone while Bad's was a little shaky from what he was doing, "So this is how it's going to work, you're gonna give me Tubbo and when I make sure there's nothing on him, I'll let you talk to you're... son."

Bad nodded eagerly, untying the cloth around Tubbo's mouth and wrist's, once he was out, Tommy jerked forward, getting ready to grab him, but Will grabbed his wrist, reminding him not to interfere.

Tubbo hesitantly walked forward to Dream, rubbing his wrist's slightly. Dream kept his gaze on Bad the whole time, watching for any strange movements.

Tubbo silently made his way over, with some tears trying to escape his swollen eye's. Once he was close enough to Dream, he ran into him, wrapping his arm's around him letting out some cries of relief.

"Shhh Tubbo, come over here real quick with me, Wilbur watch him." Dream pointed over at Bad, guiding Tubbo to the other's.

Will made his way over the where Dream was standing before, giving Bad his full attention. "Tubbo!" Tommy whispered both of the boys making eye contact, tears in both of their eye's.

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