Maybe even Love

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Hello Fiolee fans(☆^ー^☆) I haven't updated in so very long~! I want to apologize, and make a commitment to all my Fiolee fans!

I will update at LEAST once a month! For every month. I can't do this again, and just drop it whenever I want. I will actually spell check my writings and if you see a mistake, please comment it, I will fix it! (⌒▽⌒)

I have been starting a few new series, but I can't just leave this one. Enjoy!

*** *** *** Continuing the date>
Fionna's POV--->

I felt nervous. My hands sweating, and my heart skip a beat, why? Could it really be what I think it is...

All I knew was that I have to keep my cool. It had seemed that Marshall had lost it, he kept accidentally dropping his fork or spilling his drink. I just want him to feel okay, and himself.

"Umm...Marshall. Are you okay?" I questioned. Slightly concerned if this date was actually going anywhere at all...except to this awkward...weird experience.

" would you ask me that?" He stated slightly nervous. As soon as he finished his sentence his fork fell down again. "Sorry...again" he said embarrassed. This was definitely not the cool and confidential Marshall Lee I knew and...might even love.

"You just seem...umm..never mind." I said hesitantly. How could I just tell him he had completely lost his cool? That he was clumsy, embarrassing... Yet kinda cute? I decided to just start a simple conversation.

"So, have you been working on any new songs lately..?" I questioned. I hope this is a good conversation starter, or else this date would go nowhere at all. Marshall Lee suddenly lossened up a bit and smiled.

"Yeah actually, it's kinda personal though" he stated happily. I chuckled at his comment. "Aren't all your songs that way?" I said with a slight grin. He laughed a bit and nodded in agreement. "I guess your right. You really know me" his smile increased.

There he was! The sweet, cool, and not clumsy Marshall Lee I knew. My smile became warm and simple. I might have been falling for him...

*** After the Date ***

Marshall walked me to my door. I was very happy with this... Date we had.

"Yeah, well. Maybe we this again some time?" He questioned as he looked up into my eyes. I blushed sweetly. This guy...

"S-sure, whenever you want Marshall Lee"I said nervous. Suddenly I felt him grip my hand lightly. I looked up into his dark, yet warm eyes. I felt safe...and happy.

I felt him leaning closer to me. Is he going to kiss me?

To be continued soon...

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