Vampire Skin

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SO it has been a while since I updated (again) I am such a failure when it comes to keeping promises~! as a sorry gift, as soon as I finish posting this I'll start a small chapter where you can ask any (and I mean any) questions either me (the author), Fionna, Cake, Marshall Lee, or Gumball~!

PLEASE ask questions, I want at least two or three? Then I'll answer them at my best abilities~! Thank you!!! (If you ask a question, your username will be mentioned before answering it)



Fionna's POV-

Summer was finally around the corner! Hot days, Ice cream, and beach parties are to be awaited!!! Me and Marsh had decided on spending the day indoors since his oh so delicate skin can't afford to be damaged by the oh so hot and burning sunlight. To me it sounded like a bunch of excuses to stay in and be lazy all day.

I mean yeah- he was an awesome vampire guy, but his weakness the sunlight makes a lot of activities impossible to enjoy! Yet I still put up with it for his sake~!

Ever since we started dating (After the kiss about a month ago...) we've spent our days indoor playing video games, then at night partying- I'm starting to party all my party self! I wake up so tired, and stay up so late...but I don't mind. He's too good to me to care about the small sacrifices- he's almost my everything.

I hear a soft knock on the door, he's here! I opened the door happily and faced him with my brightest smile. He chuckled lightly at my childish act.

"why aren't you wearing a bathing suit?" he questioned. My eyes widened a bit~ was he kidding? "I decided we should visit the beach, after all I am wearing my hat- I'll be fine" He said grinning.

I felt a wide smile appear on my face, "Really!!! do you really mean it?" I stated excitedly. "No-! wait don't even answer that! I don't want you changing your mind!!!! we're going it's official!" I yelled and ran to change in my room in a clumsy and excited manner.

I hear him smirk as I fall and trip a couple times. I reach my room and quickly changed in a light blue, one piece swimming suit. I pulled my annoying long hair into a pony tail and sighed heavily. going to the beach with him was a dream come true! even if we only stood looking at the water.

I was happening! Marsh actually wanted to make me smile since I'd recently been a bit gloomy because we could only stay inside, but he actually wanted to go to the beach?- Weird but acceptable.

To be continued...

Sorry for the short chapter (I'm in a hurry + super sleepy, i'll make corrections later) !!! The next real chapter will be about the beach visit~! It'll be great! I did this since where I live, summer is about to change~

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