Chapter Ten

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~Somewhere inSouthern New York~

 Arthur stood in the middle of the cold and dark room which was now stirring with shadows. The purple in his eyes stood out from the darkness. Arthur took one last gulp, and then he saw the figure.

 “Arthur, darling. I’m so glad you could make it,” The figure said, dispatching a woman’s voice. It was smooth and simple, but dug deep into Arthur’s soul. “We haven’t seen eachother in months.” The figure stepped closer to Arthur, resting her cold frail hand on his shoulder.

 Arthur gulped, stepping forward then slowly turning around towards the figure, which was now pacing behind him. “Yes.” His voice was full on unsettled worry.

 “Well, did you kill her?” The figure snapped. She began to lunge towards the slim opening of light, but was careful not to show herself. Her voice was full of hope and excitement, but was also cautious not to display that in a melancholy manner.

 Arthur gulped again, turning around to attempt to capture a glimpse of his boss who was hiding in the shadows. “S-She’s too strong. I-I tried but she repelled it-all of it.

 The figure stepped clearly into the peak of light. Her hair was stained auburn, and her eyes were soft brown with tints of violent red.  She had pasty light skin on one side, and darker golden skin on the other. Her dark rimmed glasses adorned her face with a snarly mean look- and her preppy secretary outfit was outdated and vintage. “You, what?”

 Arthur’s heart began to beat very fast. “I-I couldn’t. At the formal like you said I-I asked her to dance but she fought it.” He began to walk towards the figure now appearing to be a woman.

 “Is she smitten?!” The woman yelled, her form changing completely into one of a Vegas Starlet then to an army professional.

 “Yes, I believe so.” Arthur spoke. His breaths were short, and the room was darker than ever. The woman then stepped back into the darkness.

 “Climax, she is so expendable. You make her fall in love- then finish her off. Like that. We made these arrangements months ago; and I’m starting to wonder how soon you’ve been talking to her.” The woman’s voice turned quickly into a man’s.

 “Six days ago.” Arthur stepped forward, waving his arms in the darkness. “She’s a person!”

 Arthur then was pushed up to the wall in the surfaced in light, being choked by a large green hand that slowly changed into titanium laced one. “Abigail is powerful! Her genealogy is strong! Her legacy is dark! She is and she will get in our direct way if you don’t kill her!” The woman’s voice turned back into a feminine tone.

 Arthur squeezed his eyes shut, nodding. “Y-Yes Ma’m. B-But there’s one concern,” His voice was faint, slowly fading out.

 The woman constricted her hands tighter around his neck. “You love her don’t you?” She cackled, letting go and pacing around the dark room. “You love Abigail.” She laughed again. Arthur’s face was blank and desperate, his eyes violent purple. “Abigail Stark is one who cannot be loved. She is harsh, narcissistic, mean, rude, selfish, and completely like her father. She cannot be loved. She is a green eyed monster who is jealous of everything. Abigail can kill faster than a snake, and killed more than any I have examined- whether Abi admits it or not. You simply cannot love her.”

 Inside the darkness, Arthur’s eyes and veins struck cardinal purple. He was taking heavy breaths. “Don’t you say that. I swear,” He continued to heave harder. “I-If you do I will k-kill you!”

 The woman’s figure turned into a teen about 5’4. “You kill me,” The woman’s tone was darker and more refined with anger. “You kill Abigail- this little power palooza.” When the woman stepped into the light she revealed exact looks and characteristics of Abigail Stark.

 Arthur couldn’t attempt to control himself. His pulse buzzed and his head was knocking itself out. He knew the woman was inside of Abigail as she raised her hands to murder Arthur. “For the last time Arthur, we need Abigail gone- or I will eliminate you first.”

 The woman sparker her finger and pointed it to Arthur. He did his first instinct, and shut his eyes. “I’ll do it! Just promise me, you won’t kill Abi!”

 The woman turned to her true form- razor blue skin with circus clown red hair. “Yes Arthur. Yes.”

 ~Back in the Institute~

 I ran up and down the fields, screaming out orders. Stryker’s men have infiltrated the Institute for Mara as it seems, but there was a whole squad out for my life. They were in tight leather suits and black shades, like that one I saw months ago who was stalking me for a week or so. They had knifes and guns attached around their waist, signaling the ones on the roof tops hunting Mara.

 Usually I’d drop her face first into an endless ditch if I could, but now I needed help- and helping her was the only way to get it. I electrocuted the men set for Weapon X. Logan snatched Mara by the side and continued to run. Helicopters full of his men hovered in the air. I was being chased into the woods.  

 As soon as I thought I lost them, I sat against an oak tree to take a breath. I saw sparks of fire come from Nova miles away, and frost zooming from Ice Woman shoot up into the air. This assault was totally unpredictable, and most definitely one of the most accurately planned.

 I was forced into my ‘X-Men; Team A’ uniform today. It was pitch black like how I requested, with the only pop of color being the electric blue lightning bolt angled through the middle. Its fabric was ultra-fiber, and was almost invincible to anything that could attempt to penetrate my skin. Almost.

 I had three slits in my costume where I had been cut by one of their throwing knives. My blood was dark red, almost black at one scar. I tried to squeeze everything out of it, but the blood kept zapping back inside.

 I heard leaves rustling, and then shot back up to my feet- arming my left arm father out than the right; which was guarding my chest. Out from the depths of thick spreads of trees, a red headed woman covered in dirt and grime emerged. Her hair was tangled and full of leaves and rocks. Her white doctor’s shirt was torn and ripped, and her blue jeans were full of holes packed with dirt. She looked strikingly familiar.  

 As she stepped forward her sense became more present, a slim field of white tinted with blue glowed around her. “Jean?” I spoke in a low tone, hoping not to alarm any of Stryker’s men camped out in the woods. The woman nodded slowly. “Is that you?”

 Jean paced a couple more feet from me, handing me a slick steel box that was not touched with dirt at all. It had a compelling aura, drawing me in to open it. “What’s this?”

 Her voice wasn’t clear, and seemed to be full of muck and dirt. “Electro-magnet brace you had,” She gulped, her blue eyes staring straight into me. “Straight from Magneto.

 I twisted my face. Only twice had I heard of a person who wore that name. So many questions began to stir. I took the box in one arm, and reached out to Jean but she immediately disappeared. “JEAN!” I screamed, but there was no answer. Peace and serenity had returned to the forest once again- and I was alone.

 Sighing, I popped open the box. Inside, surrounding the bracelets was red velvet. In the center were my bracelets, but they were slightly enlarged and sparking with silver electricity.

 A spell of evil spread through my body like wheat breeding, and I immediately slipped both the bracelets on. There were ten times as heavy, but fit perfectly. I struck one hand into the air, and electricity filled the sky.

I was powerful once again. 

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