Chapter Nine

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It was three days after the mistake which was called to others by the winter formal. It had snowed a tremendous amount lately, packing the front and back yard with thirty-six inches of snow. Most of the guys and some really brave girls digging tunnels through the snow. I watched in disgust, sitting halfway up the hill towards the staff quarters. I watched as when I took breathers puffs of light air would stream out of my mouth, as if I was exhaling smoke. 

I heard crunches in the snow behind me, and then a long green scarf dangled to my left. I sniffed in the smell of a pharmacist, and then I saw Arthur sit down right next to me. He had two burgers wrapped carelessly in thin napkins. He held one out towards me. "Hey, want a burger?" He shook it, holding it closer to my mouth.

I didn't move. I didn't know what to say, or how I could ever forgive him. "No." I spoke, keeping a straight face- staring forward. 

"Awh come on, Abs. You’re going to starve." He said, placing it on the block of snow next to my hip. I sighed. 

"It's not like I already don't." I exclaimed, looking straight forward to Mara and Pietro pelting snowballs at eachother meters away. I looked down towards my lap, a pang of jealousy striking through my heart. 

"Aren't you freezing?!" He spoke. "You’re wearing jet black leggings, boots, and a hoodie. Tell me your cold." Arthur exclaimed, taking off his scarf and wrapping it around me. 

I ripped it off my neck, swinging it across the yard. "Stop trying to be my dad!" I was breathing hard.

There was a long silence, until I could hear Arthur's heartbeat from where I was sitting. "Everyone knows who he is." He chuckled, his face turning blank and serious. "Look, I-I'm sorry from what happen at the dance." It began to slowly turn back to its least abnormal pace. "I-I didn't have control over myself. I-It just happened. I never do that to anybody anymore, it's my biggest curse."

I looked towards him. His brown hair was swooped to the side, and his cheeks were rosy red. His eyes were violet like the night of the dance, but not as vibrant. "If I may ask," I sighed. "What, what can you do that other can'?" 

Arthur chuckled. "Hell of a lot. I hate it." He continued to chuckle, but then I shot him a serious stare. "You can't tell anyone. I-I never told many people." I then nodded, taking a gulp. "There's something inside of me where if I get in this weird funk I can give people memories," He continued. "Memories people don't want. Sometimes they are real, or dramatic." 

"Makes sense..." I stated, crossing my legs. "And..." 

He sighed, looking towards Pietro. "If I’m not careful enough; I can kill someone just by looking at them." He turned towards me. "That's what almost happened to you. I felt it. I felt the memories streaming from you. I saw you dive to the floor. And if my mind just told me to-" 

I was breathing hard. More of that night came back into my mind. I stared at Arthur, and heavy stare deep into the perils of his violet eyes. "Stop. Now." I looked back to the snow. "Do you hate me or something? You wanted me dead!  Trust me I can kill you just as easy!" My finger tips sparked, my head corrupting in rage. 

"Abi stop. I don't mean to hurt you and I never did. The only person you are going to kill is yourself." He spoke in a calm, straight manner. His words seemed powerful, digging deep into my soul. And for the first time ever that I tried to remember, erupted in tears. I fell into Arthur's arms. He was as cold as the snow, but that didn't matter. At this moment, I wasn't even myself. 

"Ermegherd get this on camera, Abigail Stark crying." He tried to joke, but most epically failed. More sobs poured out of my eyes; paving a path for more to come. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything." 

As awkward as this was, I slowly began to forgive Arthur. "No, no I should be the one sorry." Was I really apologizing? "I-I was being a complete ass. Y-you never meant any harm. I-I'm sorry." I sat up, my eyes filled with tears. My mascara and eyeliner were probably half way down my face. My small bit of hair was messed up, and had small flakes of snow iced on the top. 

Arthur had a smug grin on his face. "You want to know my last ability?" He smiled. "See if you can guess." 

I pursed my lips. "You have super speed." 

He grinned. "Nope. Try again." 

"You, uhh, are telepathic?" 

"Psssshh, it's not that rare." 

I felt my lips curve into something very uncommon for a girl like me, if there was any out there. A smile. "Let’s see... you can fly?" 

"If I could fly, that's all I'd do. One more guess." 

I sighed, my eyes shimmering as I looked towards Arthur. "You can control the weather." 

"Nope." His hair blew carelessly in the winter wind. His pristine white teeth reflected off the snow. The black jacket he wore fit perfectly. 

I laughed, looking straight into his now very light violet eyes. "Then what?" 

Right after I spoke, he took my hands, then my mind filled with brilliant memories. I wasn't sad, and there wasn't a worry in my head. I felt like infinity. And then an instant later, Arthur leaned in and kissed me. 

Once he was done, the slowly pulled away with a grin. "No

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