Chapter Seven

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I sniffed in the scent of strong germ sanitizer. I pressed my temples, looking towards the door armored with heavy padding. Recently I was injected with meds to reduce my anger. It was like shutting my mind off. I had headaches 24/7. I hurt to bend my finger, or even take in a deep breath. I was wearing skin tight black underarmer, something I only could get off when I really had the time too. My hair was still short as ever- it having to be cut into a pixie cut because a good two-thirds of it was burned from my little incident.

The padded door flung open- the professor mentally wheeling his chair close to the bench I was sitting on. I shut my eyes, the smell and thought of Clozaril burning into my mind. There were few things I could remember everything about. 

“Ah, Abi. I see you made improvement.” The professor smirked, relaxing back in his wheelchair and looking at me. I usually would say something snarky; but I felt like I was living in a gray painting. Nothing was important. My fingernails were etched with blood. I gulped a small gulp then looked towards the professor.

“Yeah. I assume so. I’m not shooting tasers out of my fingertips anymore.” I exclaimed, looking towards the open padded door. There was a long silence. I heard subtle footsteps. I smelt the unappealing scent of cigarettes and then in walked Logan- Mara’s prissy thug of a self-appointed god father. He was wearing a rusty black tee shirt with ratty jeans. His arms were crossed, looking at me with a studious glare.

“Ah. Logan. Please take Abigail to her room. Thank you.” The professor spoke, whipping around his  wheelchair and speeding out of the room. Logan sighed, rolling his eyes then looking at me. 

“Professor I was just-“ Logan began to speak- throwing his hands up in the air. He mumbled curse words to himself, looking up to me and staring. “Kid; are you going to get up or what?” He barked- pointing his finger out the door.

I normally would have yelled back for his ignorance. But all my body did was stand up and follow him out the door and through the mansion. We reached the middle floor- more towards the front of the mansion. I didn’t have that spark of life anymore. I felt as dull as a blunt nail.

“Where are we going? My rooms at the top.” I stated in a very formal matter, clasping my hands together and looking up towards Logan. His face was tense and annoyed. He bent down, picking me up by the waist and slung me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. He began to walk up the spiraling staircase.

Normally I would’ve kicked and screamed and maybe even shocked Logan to death. I didn’t feel myself, at all. I lay all limp on his meaty shoulder blade- staring blankly at the doors we have already passed coming up the hallway. “Thought you’d be more eccentric from what I heard.” He said, dropping me on the ground in front of my dorm. I shook my head; noticing the fact that three weeks ago locks of dirty blonde hair would fall down. I gulped, standing up and squeezing the knob to the door. 

After a couple deep breaths I twisted the knob; only to see Mara and Crystal giggling holding purses and necklaces of many sorts up to them. When they saw me their faces dropped. I peered over to my bed- my duffle bag apparently not being where it should be. My posters and pictures weren't in their place; instead they were replaced by shining bags and clothing. Neon spray paint was sitting on the top of the far left dresser. I looked towards Crystal. She gave me an anxious smile; probably anticipating what she thought I was going to do. But I didn't. 

I looked towards Mara. His face was shaken and distraught. She turned away, pulling out more accessories and motioning them towards Crystal. She looked towards me, digging deeper and deeper into my eyes. Hers were pristine violet. "I- I didn't know you didn't know. I- I didn't know you were the roommate. You were gone so long I thought you left... and otherwise I wouldn't have moved in." She stuttered looking towards Mara who gave me a dirty 'you better go with it' look. I shrugged; taking in that I was betrayed for the forty-ninth time. I nodded, moving my hands around in my pockets and leaving. If I was acting like myself; I would've ripped not only glass girl but Mara's heads off. But I just wasn't. 

As I walked further and further down the hallway the more anger and rage filled with me. Evil thoughts began to pour back in. Feelings of hate and stinging in my eyes as I wept. I looked towards the spiraling ceiling. They let me down. She let me down. 

The meds told me Mara wasn't going to kill me; but I knew she was. If it was today, this week, this month, this year, or in the distant future I knew she was. It was a sense I just couldn't ignore. And there was only one solution- for me to kill her first. 

I clenched my fists. A tingly feeling, then a sudden urge of self control flowed through my body. I turned around. The hallway was empty. From now a distance I heard Crystal and Mara laughing. Why does she have friends? I left that unanswered, stomping down the hallway. I stopped dead center; staring calmly at the post which read, "Dance tonight! Students are encouraged to go! Semi-Formal!"

I crossed my arms, rolling my eyes. I felt a brush of air; until I realized Mara's little perfect boyfriend sped down the hallway. He had flashy platinum blonde hair and pale, gorgeous blue eyes. Would I ever tell Mara I ever, well, liked him so to say? Maybe. Speaking of the devil; Mara zoomed by hugging Pietro from behind as they erupted in giggles. "Ha. I hope she has fun at that black hole with her super sly boyfriend," I joked to my self, looking down the hallway. I took in a deep breath, looking towards the bright red poster again. That was it. I looked to both of my sides then dashed down the hallway. 

I some what of ran door by door until I began to find myself towards the front of the building. I was laughing at my surprisingly fast speed. I glanced at my feet for a split second then ran head first into a woman. She was tall, thin, and probably one of the most disturbing people on earth. Storm. Her face was a little blissful; but I got a mean sense she wasn't having such a good day. "Well Stark. Having a nice first day back?" 

I had to remember the fact she did save my life almost twice. I grinned, putting on a little evil smirk. "Yeah. Sure. Excellent." Aha. I chuckled to myself. Abi is coming back. I stuck my tongue on the inside of my cheek- getting that definite feeling my meds weren't all as potent as they needed to be. My spine tingled as I looked up towards Storm- her eyes glowing misty blue. 

"I dread to say but I’m being ordered to take some of the girls on a little rendezvous to the mall for little girly things. I fear I have to bring along you, Abigail." Storm snapped; looking at me dead in the eyes. I scratched the back of my head. 

"Well Stormy Night," I started; a glint of sarcasm in my voice. "I fear that I have been just dying to get something that will make me look very, very pretty tonight." 

Storm glared at me, placing her hands on her hips and pursing her lips. 

"Really Stark? I thought you hated social events of any variety?" 

I pressed my pointer finger up against my right jawbone. 

"Well, Professor said it would be a great thing to rid me of my desolation. Plus a girl just wants to have fun."

Storm raised her eyebrows. "May I ask who your date is? It is a dance, always." 

My eyes shot open. I didn't know the names to most guys in the institute; even less guys who'd pose as my date. I shot back in my mind, trying to remember everyone I saw today. Then it hit me.

"Pietro." I spoke, a sly smile curving around my lips.

Storm's eyes widened even more, giving me an astonished look. "As from what I heard he's seeing Miss Barton." Her voice was regal, but not too much to convince.

"Oh no, Storm. You mustn’t keep up on the gossip. It simply isn't plausible." I said, waving a little then turning around towards the van parked adjacent to the doors in the lobby. I heard a crowd of teenage mutant girls shudder themselves down the hallway. I took the car keys from the rack to my left and walked towards the car. If there's one thing I learned from years of getting into trouble; it's a big vocabulary is the most convincing.

"Oh this is going to be good."

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