Chapter Five

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I was in a very pissy mood today, just simply because Mara's blaring emo music shuddering all over the apartment. The guitar and drums vibrated the blinds, and opened up the kitchen cabinets. Grunting, I cover my head with my cheap Walmart style pillow I been sleeping with my whole life. Sunlight glinted a bit out of the window. I opened one eye- hoping to block out everything I saw. On the bed to my left Mara was wearing her Black Veil Brides shirt. She had crazy rocker makeup on- fake gashes on the side of her face and thick eyeliner. 

"Oh my god Mara what the hell are you doing?" I spoke in a tired groan, stringing my fingers through my messy hair. The sun shined more broadly through the curtains. I sat up looking at the new posters cluttered all over the room. 

"Concert tonight." Mara said, reaching over towards her laptop on her bedside and shutting it off. She took her jacket and wiped it across her eyes. She picked up a mirror, staring straight into it. "Dear god." 

I rolled my eyes, leaning a bit to see a clearer vision out the window. "Heheh. That's what I think." She glared at me, picking at the latex and airbrush. I crossed my legs, sitting up and looking farther out the window. I partially slipped out of the bed, Mara stopping me instantly. 

"Are you going insane again, Abigaa?" She stated, peering farther into the mirror. I reached my hand out grazing the mirror with electricity. She screamed, dropping the mirror. "Thanks allot Stark." 

I grinned, falling onto the floor. I blinked, and then stared out the slim opening to make the field visible. My heart began to pound. "Get up fast Mara, we are late."

She groaned, slipping on her leather jacket adorned with small black studs. "What do you want?"

I stood up, dashing into the bathroom and quickly pulling my Muse shirt on below my slim black jacket. I then pulled my rusty yellow shorts over my black underarmer pants, dashing back out and combing my hair. "It's now or never Barton. The professor's going to be pissed." 

Mara followed me out of our dorm, pacing quickly down the hallway. "CALM DOWN STARK." I could sense it, someone was following us- or just me. My head was driving me insane, my meds kicking in instantly. I sped forward, Mara speeding in front of me. 

"Can't keep up, huh Stark?" She joked strutting ahead. She gave me that stupid grin I remember from years ago. I shut my eyes- blocking those dark thoughts. My temples tingled. Shadows appeared in front of doors as I began to walk. They lightened up then formed into human like figures. Their eyes stuck striking me with deceivable looks. Not this again. I collapsed towards the floor- covering my face with my hands. Mara whipped around. "Stark wha-" 

I heard a sympathetic sigh as she took me by my arm and dragged me up. I neglected to open back up my eyes. "It's alright. Look what your doing." Her voice was tense but calming. She stood in front of me, remains of makeup decaled her face. I blinked staring towards the floor, a few strands of electricity dangling on the ends of doors. Around me was a three meter wide circle of now pitch black ash. I took a deep breath. Mara offered me her hand, and I stood up. "I know what it's like. Your not alone." 

I gulped in an anxious smile, walking by Mara's side. I heard small voices in the back of my head, but mentally shut them out. I looked straight ahead. I forgot the reason I left the dorm, or more practically where I was going. When I smelt the smell of Germx and newly baked waffles I knew exactly. Whipping around the corner was Professor X. Mara stuck her arm in front of me. "You didn't tell me we were late." 

I shrugged, looking towards the professor. His eyes were piercing black. His head was mysteriously sleekly bald like usual. He put on a sly grin. "Abigail. Mara. Nice to see you rouse from the dead."

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