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The Other World
The Prison Ruins
(December 1999)

After The Great Escape from The Other World in 1996, the prison ruins were left in the same location for years. The prison was fully rebuilt in 2002, capturing the most powerful warriors in the universe, and using their power to generate The Overlord's army. One day in the year 2001, after The Overlord's war against The Daleks had ended, Nek and a group of soldiers went to investigate the wreckage. The Overlord had plans to rebuild everything and start off fresh. Whilst moving large pieces of rubble away from the site, Nek saw the beaten and bruised body of a demonic looking cat.

"Commander," said Nek. "I have located a body"

The commander rushed over to inspect the body. He checked the body for any kind of pulse, but it was clear that the cat had been dead for a long time.

"Long gone by now" replied the commander. "Must have died during the explosion"

"No, look, there's a sword wound in the cat's chest" replied Nek.

"That looks like a cut from a… Crystal sword" replied The Commander.

"You know which warriors carry those swords, right?" Replied Nek.

"Indeed... Take the body back for examination" ordered the commander. "The rest of us will clear away more of the wreckage. The Overlord wants this place cleared by tonight"

"Right away" replied Nek, who then picked up the dead body, and placed it on a medical bed. Nek took the body back to the reanimation department, and he left it on a surgical table for a few minutes. The light above shon onto the dead cat's body, and then there was a twitch in the cat's left hand, the light was healing its wounds, and it slowly rose up from the medical bed like a Frankenstein's monster. The cat then looked around the room, with his left eye hanging out of its socket, until he saw the freeze room where different body parts were kept. The cat slowly grinned, as it stood up and limped over to the room.

Nek returned half an hour later and saw that the patient he had retrieved was gone. 

"How could this be?" He thought.

He began to worry about what The Overlord might say if word of this got out, so he sent the commander to search the vents for the creature.

"Commander, come in commander," said Nek.

"Yes sir, loud and clear sir"

"Do you see anything in there?" Asked Nek.

"Negative. We will continue our search and update you when we locate the body"

Suddenly, there was a demonic laugh in the distance. The commander slowly backed up in the vent when he heard the laughter, and he raised his gun and aimed it forward into the dark vent.

"Come out immediately!" Ordered the commander. "Or I will be forced to-"

The cat then leapt forward and dug its sharp teeth into the commander's skull, and tore out his brain with its teeth.

"Commander, what's the situation? Hello?" 

There was nothing but the sound of squelching and a body being dragged. Then, the signal was cut off. Nek then ordered a group of special forces soldiers to locate the creature. 

Needless to say, the soldiers did not return.

Nek then decided to hunt down the creature himself, so he got his mech suit, which was almost indestructible, and he began his hunt.

Meanwhile, the cat was back in the surgery room, attaching limbs to itself using the people it had killed, and stealing technology to try and get in contact with his original master.

"Must... Follow orders" said the cat in a raspy voice. Eventually, they finished constructing a multiverse phone. It's a device that they remembered seeing in the blueprints with his original master in 1995. After they finished building the phone, they tried to locate their master, and found them in an unknown location. They then began a phone call.

"Hello?" Answered a voice from the other end.

"Ronald... It's me" whispered the cat.

There was a long silence 

"Who's this?" Replied Ronald in a concerned voice.

"The Overlord has kept us apart for too long," replied the demonic cat. "Now we will get our revenge!"

"Stop following me" replied Ronald in a distressed voice. "I'm done with that part of my life"

"But master, I'm back in syndication" replied the cat. "I killed many people just so I could contact you"

"You are supposed to be dead!" Shouted Ronald. 

"I returned to continue the mission!" 

"Mission?! Ha! There is no mission! It's over!" Laughed Ronald. "Your entire belief is nothing but a joke!"

"You lie!" Roared the cat.

"I watched it happen, I made it happen!" Cackled Ronald.

"But… You created me… You were my master". The demented feline began to shed a tear, this was the first time in his life that he felt true sorrow. However, that sorrow was going to shift quickly into an unstoppable rage.

"Not anymore" replied Ronald.

"Then if you won't be my master... I must follow the primary instinct" 

"And what's that?"

"World domination" 

"Let me try and get this into your thick cat skull," replied Ronald. "There IS no mission anymore. The Overlord has no power over us. You are simply brainwashed by his manipulative words. World domination isn't the way to go" 

"I will do whatever it takes!" Replied the cat in a demonic voice.

"Cartoon Cat... Surely you see what The Overlord has done. He may be a powerful god of destruction, but he has no control over me anymore. I'm not your master, I never have and I never will be. I have seen through the lies of The Overlord, he is nothing but a power hungry rat who only loves to destroy everything and everyone, I'm living proof of that! Now, please let me get back to my new life" explained Ronald.

There was another long and unnerving silence.

"Glad we're on the same page" said Ronald. "Bye, oh, and please don't call back" 

Cartoon Cat sat staring at the phone with a blank expression on his face. He then disassembled the phone and began turning it into something new... Something that will help him get to his next target much faster...

Iggy & Rex: The Return Of Cartoon CatWhere stories live. Discover now