Chapter Two: As Night Falls

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"Are you SURE we're going the right way, Baldi?" Asked Tom exhaustedly. Tom and Baldi were walking through the woods, looking for Baldi's creepy old yellow bus. Tom was practically limping at this point, due to their fifteen hour long hike.

"I'm sure I parked her around here somewhere!" Said Baldi in frustration. "You go that way, I'll keep going forward!"

"Split up?!" Shrieked Tom. "In the middle of the dark and dangerous woods? You might as well put me in a tank full of flesh eating piranhas"

"Survival training is part of the exam, Tom," said Baldi. "You don't want to FAIL, do you?"

"Exam?! I'm 26 years old!" He roared. "I stopped going to school 10 years ago! And as for your other statement, FAIL?! I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in all subjects, so you can shut the hell up"

"Just do as you're told!" Snapped the bald teacher. "You may have passed before, but you're definitely uneducated in following orders"

Tom stormed off in the opposite direction with his middle fingers in the air, leaving Baldi on his own

"Where are YOU going?!" he shouted.

"Fuck this shit, I'm out!" replied Tom, who was flipping him off whilst walking away into the distance until he was out of sight. Baldi kicked one of the rocks in frustration, and carried on walking along the path. Luckily for him, he had come prepared with a flashlight and a full backpack. However, he still had no idea where he parked the bus. As he carried on down the nature walk, he heard rustles in the bushes and trees, along with the sounds of faint laughter. Baldi wasn't afraid of anything, and he had been through similar experiences in the past. If anyone were to jump out at him now, they'd face his ruler. Although, he did begin to feel slightly uneasy. Meanwhile, Tom stormed down the path with his arms crossed. 

"That idiot makes me do the most dangerous things imaginable," he muttered to himself. "I almost DIED because of one of his stupid little games, and he just tells me to do as I'm told? Bullshit! I'll show him, I'll find the bus all on my own, then we'll see who comes back crawling on their knees!"

Just then, Tom began to hear the mysterious noises too. Unlike Baldi, Tom was quite afraid of this sort of thing, and in fear he began to pick up his walking pace. He got a bag of throwing stars out and kept them very close to him, just in case whatever was around him wanted to rip him apart.

"Come on, Tom," he said to himself. "Find shelter and wait for whatever it is to go away"

But whatever it was wouldn't go away 

It got to the point where Tom was sprinting down the path on all fours, looking in all directions for any kind of shelter or refuge. His heart was pounding so hard that he could feel it in his neck, he also could've sworn that he almost saw it burst out of him. Just then, he eyed a nearby cabin, much like Iggy's one.

"Thank goodness!" he cheered. Tom got over to the door and took one look behind him, so he could get an idea of where he was. What he saw next was one of the most chilling things he would ever see. Standing only a few feet away from him was a shadowed slender character, with white, soulless eyes and a sharp grin on its face. The character was clearly that of a feline, much like himself, but this one felt more alien like, something that seemed impossible, or something from your nightmares. Tom let out a loud scream, much like his trademark one, and slammed the door shut behind him. As he panted rapidly inside the cabin, he heard footsteps getting further and further away from where he was. Maybe whatever was bothering him had decided to leave?

"Oh thank God," Tom panted. "I don't want to be bothered like that again"

Tom flicked the crooked switch on the cabin wall, with the light illuminating the room instantly. The room itself was almost identical to Iggy's cabin, but with a different colour scheme. Tom limped over to the old comfy sofa and layed down, recovering from what had happened. His eyes then drew towards the telephone on the wooden oak table. 

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