Chapter 2:

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I've been in Charming for 3 days now, and it was nothing like I expected. The guys are literally a family, not only calling each other brothers but also acting like it. That first morning, when I woke up at Ope's, I unpacked my stuff. It didn't take long, considering I brought little, but Donna insisted it would help make me feel at home. I've been working in the garage on vehicles; it's mostly mundane work, like oil changes and replacing tires, but it's a job that was given to me, so I can't complain too much.

Gemma threw an official welcome party in my honor, because it was something we had to do, and no amount of convincing could change her mind. I've quickly learned that what Gemma wants, Gemma gets, so we had a party, and in what I'm told is true SOA fashion. There was lots of alcohol, weed, good music, and naked women. I have to admit, seeing Bobby eat out a croweater on the bar was not how I envisioned my time in Charming, but Jax told me it was a typical night at the clubhouse. Witnessing someone eating pussy or getting blown up was something I would get used to.

So now that I've caught you up on the last few days, I'm currently strolling into the office to give Gem the paperwork and keys to the old Corolla I've been working on.

Slamming her phone down on the desk, Gemma looks up at the doorway, "Hey Andy." I notice she looks stressed.

"Hey Gem, that Corolla is done, but you need to tell the owner it doesn't have much life left in it." I tell her as I pass over the keys and papers.

"Will do honey." She mumbles, and I'm not sure she even knows what I'm saying.

"You okay Gem." She sighs and looks up at me.

"Haven't heard from Jax's ex. The junkie bitch hasn't answered either of us in weeks." She expresses her concern.

Jax had told me all about Wendy, why he married her, and how he realized his mistake. He also told me how he felt guilty and slept with her once she was clean, after hoping his efforts to reconcile would keep her clean. After it happened, he knew he couldn't stay with her solely because it might keep her sober. It was something she had to want to do for herself, but that one time resulted in her getting pregnant.

As I look around the room, I look out the window to see Jax rushing out into the lot. I call him "Jax!"

"Hey darlin'." Sending me his famous smirk while he's strutting towards me. He is a good-looking guy. His hair is messy, but in that good way only he can pull it off, and he's got a tan forming.

"Your mom hasn't heard from your ex, and she said you haven't either. Maybe it's time to do something about it. You know, check in on her, at least for the baby's sake?" Looking up at him, I can see his concern, a look I've not seen on him in my short time of knowing him. He really is worried, but with Wendy's past, he'd be crazy not to be.

He steps around me, popping his head in the office's door. Gemma still sat at the desk, trying to file the paperwork the boys had no doubt made a major mess of.

"Hey ma, go to the house to check on the junkie for me. I may not love her, but she's still carrying my kid. We're heading out on club business, or I'd do it myself." He says to his mother.

"Sure thing, baby. I'll head over there soon." She says, giving up on the mess of papers.

The boys all come out of the clubhouse, heading towards their bikes, getting ready for the "club business" Jax had just mentioned. He nods to his mom, turning to walk past me to his bike, sending me a sly wink, shouting out, "I'll catch you ladies later!" As they roar out of the lot, he straddles his bike and takes his place up front with Clay.

Gazing toward the office, I went back in to get my next job. "What's next on my list, Gem?"

Standing from her chair, she looks at me. "You, sweetheart, are coming with me." She says this as she grabs her purse and cell phone.

What If- (Jax Teller/OC Fanfic) ⚠️ON HIATUS ⚠️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora