Chapter 1

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Blue, the color that she wanted to feel at the moment, she wanted to drown in it. But instead, she was viewing grey, shades of grey not worth noticing, and endless cycle over and over again, the same thing. She felt deprived, felt abandoned, and hell maybe she was,

Nova stared at the crowd watching the many mixes laughing and as the music boomed and roared over the crowd. Girls with Girls, Boys with Boys, Girls, and Boys, hell she had seen a couple of times a group grinding against each other.

Then she was suddenly reminded of why she was here, biting back a huff as she thought back to her best friend running off to go find her boyfriend. She looked around the big room which she guesses were the living room, the house being too big and filled with way too many people confusing her on what area was what.

Not that she cared to guess, she made her way up the stairs after politely refusing an offer of a drink, knowing Dylan she would probably need to be driven home. Once Nova had found a room that was filled with horny adults willing themselves to fuck in a stranger's room, she laid down mind racing with thoughts.

Nova wasn't one to go to parties, whether being cooped up in her room, but when Dylan had begged her to go with her, n̶e̶e̶d̶i̶n̶g̶, wanting someone to go with her; unfortunately, that someone just had to be Nova.

When she heard the door burst open Nova immediately sat up hearing the person mutter an "Oh thank god"

"I found you Nova.. You don't know how many rooms I had to get through to see people fucking in there to finally find you" Nova didn't reply noticing the slurring in Dylan's voice.

"What happened?" Nova asked when she noticed the tears in Dylan's brown eyes. She watched as Dylan's mood faltered before she shakingly headed her way to her best friend, the tears falling more,

"The bastard fucking cheated on me No...."

"What?" Dylan winced at Nova's sharp tone, already knowing how Nova got when it came to her.

Who could blame her?

The two of them had been through a lot together having been best friends since their early middle school days.

"C-caught him making out with that S-Stephanie girl.." Dylan stumbled backward when Nova suddenly flew up off the bed.

"No! How could that bastard do that? Wanting me to come to this stupid party just to find him making out with  some whore!" Nova watched with cold eyes at Dylan's outburst and began walking towards the door.

Dylan panicking and drunk grabbed Nova's arm forcing the other to turn around as she kissed her passionately, moaning into the kiss. Grey the feeling would never go away.

"Please show me." She begged as she sat hands entangled in the others. She watched as the other looked up at her worriedly softly hushing her pleas with a finger to her lips. "Where did you get this from?" Nova whimpered shaking her head not trusting her words, but when Dylan asked again tone more serious and sternly she spoke up.

"Mmmh, saw some girls kissing at school, please Dyl I wanna know what it feels like, You've kissed people before haven't you?"

"That's different No you're younger, you shouldn't be knowing about this and definitely not trying it either."

"please?" Nova pleaded again looking up at the other with her innocent hazel eyes catching Dylan off guard.

"Fuck" she breathed out and pulled the other closer to her, their bodies squished together. Dylan grabbed Nova's neck pulling the other into a soft chaste kiss. Nova whimpered shuddering and awkwardly sat there not knowing exactly what to do so Dylan did it for her.

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