Chapter 2

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Nova was never one to be into love, the thought of loving someone so much that you were always in pain, in doubt, insecure felt worse than death. She never considered love as a happy thing, seeing at a young age what it did to people, her own parents fighting and throwing things at each other fighting in front of their daughter's own eyes was very proof that love was false.

She never wanted to feel loved, never in her mind thought about being in love.

Until she did, it was during the time of where the duo was a trio, she was very beautiful. For the first time in her life, she felt her heartbeat quicken, it wasn't the usual feeling she'd get with Dylan. The two of them only having experimented with each other because they knew their bond was that deep, that nothing they did to each other could affect it.

But her, she was different, Nova wanted more, wanted that bright smile to be caused by her, wanted her pretty dark eyes to be fixated on her, wanted her to be as much intoxicated, addicted to Nova as much as she was her.

She was ethereal, a beauty that Nova wanted to keep all to herself, her voice made Nova's heartbeat quicken, and god her laugh did wonders to the other. But it wasn't enough, it wasn't enough no matter how hard Nova told herself that she should be happy to just be friends with her.

And throughout all the lies, the pain of seeing the beauty with someone else, watching her own light be taken away from her, pained her, the feeling felt like her heart was being squished, and then let go, only to be played with over and over again.

That was the time that Nova began feeling as though she wasn't good enough like she could never be the person the other wanted, hell maybe part of that was true.

It was funny, and even now thinking back on it, Nova still laughs hysterically at herself for being so naive. That same day that she finally got her chance, finally found the perfect time to tell the other her feelings, she was leaving.

The pain became too much to bear, for both Dylan and her, the two never really letting others in, it had just been the two of them. So, to finally let someone in only to find out that they were leaving, leaving both their hearts and lives, broke them.

After that incident, Nova finally came out to Dylan about her feelings for the other. She remembered that day because it was the day that the two had promised not to let anyone else in, it was just the duo, always has been and always will be.

She remembered crying on the other's clothed collarbone, soaking that part of her shirt with her tears, but the other didn't mind. She merely stroked the other's back whispering sweet nothings into her ear.

Nova doesn't see that experience as something she wished didn't happen, now it was merely a lesson, a lesson she had to learn the hard way.

Dylan was the only person she cared for, the only person who was allowed to see Nova's vulnerability, and the only person who had remained by her side through thick and thin.

And for that Nova felt eternally grateful to have met the other when she did.

"Tell me, what do you see when you look at this painting."

Nova stared at the painting the professor had put up on the screen, the red passion was painted on most of the outside of the drawing, blue trust outlined the girl in the drawing, a small smile drawn on her lips, black death was the color of her lips, her eyes were painted yellow betrayal, while her skin was colored pastel pink, long wavy hair painted in grey emptiness.

One student spoke up, "I see a girl smiling"

The professor Ms. Ken, who was really pretty, smiled at the student, "Of course. That's the first thing we tend to notice when looking at images. We always seem to look at the outside piece, yes a girl smiling, rather than first taking a deeper look into the details, the strokes, colors, the way she smiles, the way the artist made her eyes sparkle, the background. Now, why do you think that is?"

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