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"Today's finally the day pascal" Izuku says putting his pants away. "Izuku let down your hair "a female voice called from outside the tower. "Is time " Izuku said to pascal. Pascal puffed out his chest and straightened his back "i know I know now hide hear for she doesn't see you" he said putting pascal on the wall. Quickly running to the window Izuku. "Izuku I'm not getting any younger down here " the female says " coming mother " Izuku called latching his hair to a hook and throwing it down. With a little tag Izuku pulled her up knowing she was secure. "I'm back " she as she made it to the ledge. "Welcome home mother " Izuku says following her "Oh I'm getting old " she says inspecting her face " Oh well here " Izuku says hurriedly pushing her in a chair and shoving a brush and sat down. "Floergleamandglow" "WAIT" mother gothol said hurriedly trying to brush Izuku's hair as he sang fastly "bringbackwhtoncewasmineoncewasmine" he finishes quickly. "Izuku what's the Hurry? " "It's just my birthday is coming up soon and " " didn't you have one of those Izuku " "mother birthday days are ever year mother " Izuku says getting her attention "and the floating lights " " those are stars dear " "they aren't stars mother I've read on each star" Izuku pulls open a window on the ceiling giving the room light to see the entire ceiling. "It's shows that their aren't stars there something else " "so ?" " i asked thinking this year for my birthday day I could go out side and see them"
(Start video ^)
"Singing "
'Talking '

'You want to go outside ugh why Izuku '
"Look at you as fragile as a flower"
"Still a little sapling just a sprout "
"You know why we stay up in this tower"
'I know but-'
" That's right to keep you safe and sound. Dear"
" guess I always knew this day was coming"
" knew that soon you'd want to leave the nest"
"Soon but not yet "
"Ñot yet trust me pet"
"Mother knows best"
"Mother knows best, listen to your mother "
"It's a scary world out there "
"Mother knows best one way or another "
"Something will go wrong I swear "
"Ruffians thugs , poison ivy, quicksand "
"Cannibals and snacks "
"The plague "
"Also large bugs "
"Men with pointy teeth.and -"
"Stop no more, you'll just upset me "
"Mother's right here "
"Mother will protect you "
"Darling here's what I suggest "
"Skip the drama , stay with mama "
"Mother knows best ~"
"Mother knows best , take it from your mumsy"
"On yourown you won't survive "
"Sloppy, umderdressed , immature, clumsy "
"Please they'll eat you up alive "
"Gullible, naive , positively grubby "
"Ditty and a bit. Well, hmm vague"
"Plus I believe gettin' kinda cubby "
"I'm just saying cause I wuv you"
"Mother understands"
"Mother's here to help you"
"All I have is one request "
'Izuku '
'Don't ever ask to leave this tower again "
'Yes mother '
'I love you very much dear '
'I love you more
'I love you most '
"Don't forget it you'll regret it "
"Mother knows best best "
'Tata I'll see youin a bit my flower " mother says going down the tower with Izuku's hair
'I'll be here' Izuku says sadly unhooking his hair
(End video )

"Guess we'll never see the floating lights pascal " Izuku says picking up pascal and going to his room

3'POV somewhere else
"Alright class let head out for the camping trip" a sleepy black hair male said

Hey guys sorry wasn't updating have sleep issues and it was infecting my school work so yeah now I'm all good now 😁 hope you enjoy

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