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(This is a little bit of back story about your character, her parents where abusive, the only thing that they would use u for was to get alcohol. And when you would refuse they would hit you, hard. This is why you wanted to move out, and that guy on the plane, that's why you were so disturbed by it.)


After we finished eating, and we congratulated Daryl on his amazing cooking skills, George offered if we wanted to watch a movie. "I don't know, I feel like I should get back to my place" I said. "It's whatever you want, I can sleep on the couch and you can sleep in my bed?" Nick suggested.
I felt like I was intruding, I have always been a trusting person, but I just met these people.
I contemplated for a little bit,
"Wait, where even is this, like what's the address?" I asked.
"It's 473 Wattpad st."
"Nick... NICK!" I exclaimed, I pulled him by his arm outside, I looked around and pointed. "What?" He said. "Nick, that's my apartment building!"
"Wait, really?"
I nodded my head in excitement, then all of a sudden he picked me up with a big hug. I was shocked, but hugged back, I was really exited. He let go, and we ran inside to go tell the others. They were all sitting in the living room. "Guys, Y/N's apartment building is one block away" he said in excitement. The others weren't exited as Nick and I, but they all had a large grin on their face. Since my building was so close, I decided that I wanted to stay and watch a movie. They had a large sectional, and a loveseat. Daryl and Clay sat on one side of the sectional, Nick and I on the other side, and George was laying on the loveseat. (If you don't know what a loveseat is it's basically a small couch)
"What movie do you guys want to watch?" Clay asked. I looked around to see if any others wanted to suggest a movie, they didn't so I suggested All the Bright Places. "It's kind off a sad movie, but it's really good." I said.
"Well if no one else wants to pitch in...... Alrighty." Nick said looking at me. I did a little happy dance, every one giggled turning towards the big tv watching the movie start.


During the movie there was a really sad part that made tears roll down my face. I looked around the room to see Clay sleeping, George with tears in his eyes, Daryl on his phone not even paying attention to the movie, and looked up to see Nick full on crying. He had a quivering lip and had tears threatening to spill out his eyes every second. He looked back down at me and I laid my head on his shoulder. "That was really sad" I said letting out a shaky breath. "If you tell any of the others that I'm crying you know they'll never let me live it down right?" He said with a small laugh.
"You don't have to worry, safe with me." I whispered in his ear. "Y'know, I almost get more sad seeing you sad." He said with a little grin. I raised my head looking at his tearful eyes "Aww, thank you Nicky-poo" I whispered with my bottom lip over my top lip. I noticed him blush, he laid back, laying his head on the arm rest. I crawled forward a little bit and laid my head on his chest, placing my hand on his stomach. I pulled a blanket over us, soon I fell asleep.

Nicks POV

I looked down to see y/n sleeping on my chest, the movie had ended and I was getting tired. "Aww, look George" I heard Daryl say. I saw George turn his head to look at us, he looked at me then back at y/n with a smirk. "No" I said, simple, just no. I knew nothing about her, she's basically a stranger. But I couldn't help but smile when I looked down to see her softly snoring on my chest. I laid my head back, falling asleep.


I woke up to y/n crying, but she wasn't awake. She was shaking, she was having a dream, or rather a nightmare. She screamed a little, still asleep, I shook her awake. "Y/n, Y/n wake up" I whispered in her ear. She jolted up and started to look around, almost like she was looking for something. "Y/n are you ok?" I asked In a concerned voice. She quickly turned her head to look at me, I saw fear in her eyes, past the thick layer of tears. She gulped, and slowly shook her head. Her lip started to quiver and she started to cry again. She got up, "I think I'm going to go get a water." She said with a shaky breath. "Let me come with you" I said, she nodded her head and we walked to the kitchen. I grabbed a glass and filled it up with cool water and handed it to y/n. I sat beside her at the island. "Do you want to talk about it? I heard that when you talk about nightmares they won't repeat."
"This one will" she said, honestly, I was concerned.
"I'm sorry, I feel like I've been such an intruder. Eating your dinner, sleeping in your bed, on your couch. Waking you up at 3:00 AM" she said, with her elbows on the island, holding her head in between her hands.
"Not at all, you've made things more interesting, my friends are sooooo boring sometimes y'know?" She giggled, it made me feel good to see her smile again.
"My parents" she said, almost regretting saying that.
"My parents would hurt me, they would use me to only get them alcohol." I got mad.
"They didn't care how I did it, they just wanted it. And I did it because that was the only time they would love me. But when I started refusing, they would hit me." I looked into her eyes, why would anyone do that... HOW could anyone do that. This girl sitting in-front of me was perfect, in all ways.
"That's why I decided to move away once I turned 18, they didn't care, my own parent practically pushed me out of my own home. They didn't care if I left, or how I would do, the only thing they where stressing was that they would have to get their own fucking alcohol." What the hell, I could only stare at her, in disbelief. She stood up, and lifted up her shirt to show her upper abdomen. "One time when I refused, my dad got out his pocket knife, and threw it at me. As I turned around it hit me." I stared at her scar, it went across the whole upper half of her torso. But it went along with other scars and bruises. She slowly lowered her shirt, her hands shaking. " y/n I'm so sorry" I pulled her in for a hug, she hugged back, squeezing me. She lowered her head into my shoulder. "And here you are, treating me better than my own parents ever did, thank you."

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