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Hazel POV
**It was about 3:00 in the morning when I got a text from a random ass number,I just texted back "Who the fuck is this??" Because I was hella mad that somebody was waking me up this early in the morning. The number texted back and it was....Anthony!!!I was wide awake,and I sat up in my bed so damn quick!!

_text convo_
Hazel:How'd you get this number??
Anthony:One of your sisters
Hazel:Well is there any reason you texted me?? Cuz a bitch was over here 😴😴
Anthony:Yeah actually,I was gonna ask you if you wanted to hang out tomorrow??.....
Anthony:Aight coo,I'll pick you up around 1:00??
Hazel:I got my own whip thank you very much,I'll meet you. Where was u tryna go??
Anthony:Aight then. Meet me at that new frozen yogurt spot down by that broke down ass Popeyes 😂😂
Hazel:😑😑Anyways...alright I'll be there.
_end of convo_

-I was mad excited,but I took my black ass right back to sleep,but I couldn't stop thinking about what could possibly happen on this outing....!! I woke up again,at 11:30,and I had to meet Anthony at 1:00. So I hopped out of bed and picked out my outfit. Then I went and did all my hygiene shit,then I put on my high waisted shorts that were cut at a weird ass angle,that had gold spikes on the pocket,and my black crop top that said "You Ain't Bout $h*t" on the front,that A.J secretly bought me,because my parents would knock the shit outta me if they saw me with this on,then I put on my black combat boots. Then I flat ironed my hair,and put on my black SnapBack,that said "QUEEN" on the front in gold,but I had it turned around to the back. A.J lazy ass was still sleep,so I just left,when I got in my car I put on my black ray ban sunglasses,and my VS perfume,and drove off. YG "When I was Gone" was playing and it got hella ratchet hella fast.-

Hazel:(rapping along)🎵My momma said I should accept yo apology,but fuck that,that's just reverse psychology. I don't love you no mo,and I think you a hoe.🎵

-After that part,I pulled up to the fro yo place,and there he was leaning up against his red Bugatti,looking so much like a God!! I put on a little extra perfume,and some baby lips,and got out the car.-

Hazel:(walking up to Anthony)wassup?!?
Anthony:(reaches for a hug)what up baby.(pulls away)you smell mighty fine.
Hazel:you too. And I'm baby now??
Hazel:(looks down and smiles)

-We walked into the frozen yogurt shop,and he reached for my hand and locked our fingers. On the outside I was going with the flow,but on the inside I was yelling,booty shaking,and peeing just a little bit. We got our stuff,and it was packed so we sat in my car. It was hot as the devils fart outside so I turned my car on to turn the A/C on,and my music came on hella loud. I turned it down,and he was just looking at me like "really nigga"...-

Hazel:(looks at Anthony)what??
Anthony:(shakes his head)just ratchet.
Hazel:(shrugs her shoulders)
Anthony:(grabs her hand)that's how I like em tho...(bites his lip)
Hazel:(melting on the inside)Then let's get ratchet.(turning up the music)

-I turned my music back up,and I turned it on Lil Debbie Ratchets,and I was jamin!!


-We were done with our stuff,so I pulled out the parking lot,and he told me to go to his homeboys house. When we got there we walked up to the door and he was holding me from behind. Austin opened the door,and then I saw Tatum inside.-

Austin:(daps Anthony up)wassup nigga??
Anthony:shit chilling wit my lady.(looks down at Hazel,smiling)
Hazel:(looks up at Anthony shocked,but smiles back)

-Anthony sat on the couch,and I was sitting in between his legs which was kid of hard because he was sagging,and his pants were kind of low but we works it out. Nala and Austin were all hugged up,and the fact that Tatum and Kasin were together made me want to kill both of them. And I guess Anthony could feel my anger building up because he asked me if I was okay,I just nodded my head and he pecked my lips. I got a text from A.J asking me where I was and I just told him that I was with Nala and that was technically the truth...because I was with Nala. I called the rest of the SQUAD over,and we were all just gonna hang out. Ariana,and Neveah showed up,and Ariana looked so heart broken at the fact that Kasin and Tatum were together,but at the same time another side of her said IDGAF!! Austin invited more of his homeboys over,so that Neveah and Ari wouldn't be loners. Austin's friends, Brandon,and Deshawn came though,and Austin has some fine friends,but I was coolin.....*sips tea*-

Neveah POV
**Oh my god Deshawn looks like my future.

Ariana POV
**Will somebody explain to me why Brandon looks like my future?? Because I need answers. Brandon walked up to me,and Deshawn went to Neveah. Brandon was half black and Mexican,and he was 15,and his birthday was three days before mine!! He was extra sweet,and that swag was A1,he was just my type.

Neveah POV
**Deshwan came and sat next to me,and he was 15.!. His swag was on a million,and he was so nice,and sweet and respectful. We were just cooling,then it was 5:30,and it just felt like time flew by hella fast. Hazel and Anthony left,because it was Sunday and we all had school tomorrow. Deshawn and Brandon went to our school,but I don't know why I haven't seen them before. Anyways,we exchanged numbers,and Ariana and I left,Nala ended up staying at Austin's house because after she told her parents the news,they were not very happy so they not on good terms. Ariana dropped me off at my house,and I didn't see my dad's car in the driveway. But I really didn't care that much so I just walked into the house with my house key,and I saw my mom and my uncle D.J fucking on the sofa!!!!

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