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A/N:The picture kind of goes with the chapter, but this really goes out to my girl Jarrie, augustalsinauheard ,and Kiznyeeee . Despite what we might be going through yall aren't my friends, YALL are SQUAD, YALL are the bitches I go hard for.....😙😘😙😘😙💯💯

**I walked into the house hoping to just go upstairs and lay down, but when I walked in my dad was pacing the floor in the living room. When he saw that we walked in he stopped and looked at me with a lot of anger.

MD(Mia's dad):(looking at Mia with an angry glare)
Mia:What the hell do you want??(trying to keep herself together)
MD:Daddy needs you to come home,and make him a little money. Okay??
Mia:(on the verge of crying)NO!!
MD:(grabs her shirt trying to drag her out of the house)
A.J:(grabs MD hand and takes it off of Mia, and backs him into a corner)Look, IMA need you take yo bitch ass somewhere other than here because your daughter, my girlfriend, my new responsibility, has been through to much of your sorry ass bullshit! So if yo bitch made ass wants some to smoke on, you better put on some damn Chapstick and suck dick yo damn self, cuz she's done with that shit!!(punches him in the stomach, then throws him out of the house)
Mia:(wiping a tear)I'm just gonna go and shower and lay down....
A.J:Alright. But IMA talk to you later.
Mia:(nods head in agreement)

Hazel POV
**I went upstairs following Mia, and going into my room then in my bathroom that I have in there. I turned the shower water on and I stripped down to my bare body, and hopped in the shower. The hot water hitting my body made me feel so relaxed,and then I noticed I had bruises around my wrist from them tight ass handcuffs!! Then I got to wondering why they decided to just let us go home and forget about everything... When I was done washing my ass, I turned the water off and grabbed my towel from the shower rack and I put lotion on, etc..... Since it was getting late I just threw on one of Anthony's sweatshirts, and I just took my hair out of the towel and went and layed down in the bed. Anthony was already in the bed on his phone and he looked showered so I guess he used the bathroom down the hall. I got under the covers and layed next to him,and grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. Spongebob was the first show to pop up and that is MY FAVORITE!! Anthony pulled me closer to him and he wrapped his arms around me, I started dozing off and when I was finally in a soft sleep A.J busted through the door and told me that we had to go and find some shit out at my grandpa's house. So I put on some jean shorts, converse and A.J and I left. He drove us to our grandpa's house,and I still didn't know what the hell was going on.

**When Mia got out if the shower I decided to figure out what was wrong with her because she seemed a little on edge. She finally broke down, and told me everything that the police officee did to her, so I went into Hazels room and told her that we needed to go and figure some shit out at my grandpas house. When we got there my grandpa already had the stuff set up so that we could get to work as soon as we got there. My grandpa had this tracker thing that most policemen have to find criminals and shit, so when I told him what had happened to Mia he told me that we could go to his house and figure out where this fuck boy was at. Hazel didnt find out what was going on until we got there but she was just as mad as I was, so she looked up all of the police officers in this area and we searched until we found the police officer that was going to die!! We finally found the officer and his home address, police station address came up, and his phone number came up. We decided we were gonna go to his house first just to see if he had any alarms since he was a police officer. We made plans to go to his house later tonight and disable all of his alarms, his file said that on Wednesdays he goes to bible study, so we thought that was perfect. After Hazel and I got all of the information, we went back to the house picking up some Popeyes on the way.

Neveah POV
**Hazel called me and told me about what was planned for tonight, and I was down cuz if SQUAD is involved I'm down. They finally came home and thank god they brought food, because I don't know what happened to those groceries Kasin bought earlier, so we were all starving. By the time we were all done it was already 7:00 and A.J made plans for us to all leave at about 8, 8:15, so we started getting ready for the night.😏😏

•A/N:I know it was short and stupid, but I haven't updated in a while so......her you.....go.....😒😒•

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