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Neveah POV
**Deshawn and I were looking in Hazel's room for anything that looked suspicious. A.J and Mia were in the living room trying to figure out who we've had problems with recently. Ariana, Nala, and Brandon went to my grandpa's house to see if he could help us figure this shit out, and Kasin and A.J are on there way back home. The first thing I noticed was that the windows to Hazel's bathroom were busted out, and there was a towel with blood all on it.

Neveah:Deshawn!!(calling him into the bathroom)
Deshawn:(walks into the bathroom,and looks at the floor)Dang!! What the hell happened in here??
Neveah:Shiiiid! You tell me. I'm just so worried about who has her, and why they would take her in the first place.
Deshawn:Yeah I -gco-

-Deshawn was cut off in the middle of his sentence by A.J calling us downstairs.-

Neveah:(jogging down the steps) Yeah?
A.J:Grandpa just called me back and said that Ariana tracked down who might have kidnapped her with the fingerprints we gave her to take over there.
Deshawn:Well who was it??
Mia:See that's the thing the name he gave us didn't sound quite right...
Neveah:Well who the hell was it??
Neveah:Crystal who??
Mia:Auntie Crystal...
Kasin:(walking through the door)Alright, I found this note on Hazel's car under her window wiper thing.
A.J:What does it say??
Kasin:(looks at the note)You take my baby, I take yours....
A.J:So that means somebody was trying to get back at mom...
Kasin:Well do we have an idea on who did this??
A.J:Grandpa just hit me up and said that it was Auntie Crystal...
Kasin:(looking shocked)Like my mom....(clears throat)Well let's go figure it out.

Kasin POV
**I was having a hard time believing that Crystal, my mom, kidnapped Hazel. If it did come out to be true I don't know how I would feel, I'm trying to build a relationship with her but if she pulled so,e shit like this then I don't know what the hell I would do.

Hazel POV
**I felt myself starting to wake up, but I also felt myself in a back of a van. I didn't remember what happened, the last thing I remember was somebody breaking into my bathroom window,then that's when I blacked out. Whoever took me didn't blind fold me but my feet and hands were tied up, and I was struggling to get out of those tight ass ropes. The more I struggled the more I felt my lower waist burning, so I looked down and I somehow hoisted my shirt up and I was cut badly. Just looking at the blood gush out of me made me dizzy, and right when the car stopped my eyesight began to grow blurry.

Crystal POV
**I grabbed Hazel out of the trunk on the van,and she looked like she was still passed out. I kidnapped Hazel because I was tired of not seeing my own child,and I was tired of always thinking about the times I missed with Kasin. Dragging myself out of my thoughts I managed to open the door to MY trap house,and I put Hazel in one of the back rooms. I went to my office and dumped a duffel bag of money on my desk, and began counting it. My friend Maci walked in and handed me another duffle bag of money, and she dumped ATLEAST a million on my desk. Maci and I have been friends for a while, we met in high school, but she ended up moving away but now she's 28 and she ended moving back here....obviously. She's white and half black, and she's working for me now. I was tired of working for my dad so I just decided to start my own business. I don't think my dad knows about my me having my own business and I hope he doesn't find out because if he did find out he will take me down, whether I'm his daughter or not. Anyways, Maci and I were going through all of the money,when I got a call from Khloe....I was expecting this sooner or later.

_phone convo_
Crystal:(acting like nothing is wrong)Heller?!
Khloe:(pissed off voice)Heller?? That's what you have to say after you have all of us worried sick about where the hell my daughter is at!! HELLER!!!! I WILL HELLER MY FOOT IN YO DAMN ASS!!
Crystal:I have no idea what you talking about.
Khloe:As soon as my black ass finds out where yo black ass is, one of our black asses ain't gon make it.
Crystal:I'm confused...
Khloe:(hangs up)
_end of phone convo_

-When Khloe hung up and I just went back to counting, then Maci and I heard banging and moving around in the back room so we got up and went back there. Hazel was trying to get out of the ropes that I had tied her up in.-

Crystal:Morning sunshine!!
Hazel:Shut the fuck up!! And get me out of here!!
Crystal:Hazel why do you intend on being so hostile??
Crystal:(walking toward her)Im getting really tired of your attitude.
Hazel:I've BEEN tired of yo ugly ass,but do I complain?? Nope.(popping the "p")
Crystal:(punching Hazel in the face)Im gonna need you to lower your tone and your voice when you talk to me. I didn't come in here trying to hit on you and shit, but if I have to I will.
Hazel:(spitting blood out onto the floor)Get the fuck out my face witcho HOT ASS BREATH!! IF YO LIL GIRLFRIEND LIKES YOUR HOT ASS BREATH YOU CAN GO TALK TO HER, BUT MISS ME WITHCO DRAGON BREATH HAVING ASS!!! (referring to Maci)
Crystal:(punches Hazel again in the same spot)Shut up.
Hazel:You do know who our family is right?? They're gonna find me and you sooner or later, so there is absolutely no point in doing this, dumb ass.!!.
Maci:There is someone at the door.
Crystal:(turning to leave, then turning back around)Don't move.
Hazel:(giving Crystal the "really bitch" face"Where the hell IMA go?? I'm tied up dummy!!

-I went to go and see who was at the door but nobody was there..... And I knew exactly what was going on.-

**We had finally figured out where Crystal was, so we everybody went over there to kill as many people we had to and to get Hazel back. We had Anthony knock on the door, so that the rest of us could go out back and get into the house. My mom took out a screw driver and hoisted a window open, and got us all in the house. Me, my dad, and Anthony went to look for the room Hazel was in, before we could open a door that was in the very back of the house some white girl stopped us pointing a gun at us, then Crystal came up behind her and was pointing a gun at us too.

Scrappy:(pulling his gun out) A.J you go find your sister, I'll take care of them.
A.J:Dad I'm not leaving you here alone.
Scrappy:Look, A.J I don't need to lose both my damn kids in one day. You go find your sister like I said.

-I just looked at my dad for a minute,then I walked away from him opening the door to the back room. When I opened it Hazel was sitting in a chair tied up, and she looked really weak.-

A.J:Hazel!!(jogging toward her)
A.J:(untying Hazels hands and feet)Come on we gon bust you out of here.(carrying her bridal style)
Hazel:(looking weak, going in and out of consciousness)A.J I love you.(going in and out of consciousness)And I need you to tell everybody the same. Okay?
A.J:(holding back tears)What are you talking about?? You tell them...
Hazel:(letting out a soft breath, finally passing out)

-I ran out of the room and as soon as I got to the main room, I heard a BANG!!

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