Chapter Nine

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It was almost perfect. The strong charcoal lines weaving together, the smudges pale pink and ocean blue smeared across the page and sprinkled like moles on his arms. Uncharacteristically this particular drawing wasn't 'in-the-lines' as many viewers would say. It was a masterpiece all in itself, containing a sorrowful tune. A dark somber fabrication; a cello whispering into the blue storm raging with streaks of electric blue and clouds of navy. Leaning back he wiped perspiration off his forehead. His back slicked with sweat and his shirt soaked in primal emotion. He was angry, no he thought. Angry was feeling annoyance to the sky's displeasurable weather or the Suns lack of warmth. No he was a fiery passion of molten lava ignited by fury in its primal state. He was in a state of incandescent, he skin alight with a malignant torture that only was conciliated by his brush. Like a solder firing his gun in a never ending battle of pandemonium. His mind rewinding to the primate colors of black, purple and red. It was like a record on loop, a never ending purgatory. Red, blue, purple. Red, blue, purple. Red, blu- "Stop!" Grabbing the ends of his hair he pulled as if he could rip the tendons connected to his brain and emit all he sees. He may be stuck in his head, his pencil the rabbit hole and his imagination wonderland, but he sees everything. Looking at his painting he saw Sinclair's soul withering and battered beneath the deposition of sad memories. If only I could help, do more. It had been only a short amount of time but time was only a constraint we humans put on ourselves. To me it felt like since the trees uprooted from earths soil, since the sky was ever changing from blue to black, since forever that Sinclair, Liona and I have formed a bond tied by scars healing together. They say a families bond is the strongest but no our bond is a infinite wind scattering through the sky, wild, untamed and forever changing. We were infinite and I'll be damned if I don't help prevent destruction our way.
• • •

"You have to tell someone or atleast take defense classes. I don't think I can see you like this. This hell you've been exiled to is no way to live. I wouldn't damn my worst enemies to a life like yours. I can't, no I won't tolerate this, we haven't been friends for long but I see you as a soul sister. We may not be bonded by blood but I will stand by you, I will always support you and hell I'll even stand in front of you and take the abuse." Sighing she combed her hands through Sinclair's hair. Between dainty fingers emerged a fishtail braid. "I know Knights -male or female- won't come to our rescue nor will magic be our salvation but I will fight with you. This may not be the Great War but this is OUR war and we're not going down without a fight." She felt Sinclair shake with tears of relief. The burden raised from her shoulders and shared between them. Unlike the Greek Sisyphus she will never have to carry this boulder up the hill alone. We'll make it, Liona thought.


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