Chapter Eleven

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Rubbing away the chill from my arms I locked my hands together behind my back. "Your dad told me you were missing. I figured you were somewhere secluded and unknown. I always wondered why you feared recognition." Looking around, stacks of books piled beneath one another, papers bound together in a disorganized fashion. God I hated books. "Why are you here?" Licking my lips I considered lying, but knowing those piercing eyes could detect the tiniest white lie I didn't. "I came to make sure you were okay. After what happened I wasn't sure if you were going to be the same." Looking over her, the usual splash of red that dressed her cheeks and the glint of mischief in her eyes dimmed. What was left was a colorless palette stripped of its paint and replaced with grey patches. "You know I'll never be the same, but I just- I just needed some space. Everywhere I turned people looked at me as if I were either a murderer or with pity. I was suffocating," Liona said.
Scoffing I fisted my hands in my jacket. "So you leave in the dead of night. No note or explanation of where you went or a call to say you were okay. God your so fucking selfish!" I saw her eyes glimmer with tears but I didn't care, she wasn't the only one hurting. "You don't get to say that to me," pointing her finger she stepped towards me. "You don't have the right-"
"You weren't the only one hurting, you didn't just lose a sister but I lost the only person that gave a shit about me. I lost the only person who could make the rain feel like a gift." Breathing heavily I glared at her tear streaked face. "You didn't have the right to run. It was as much as your fault as it was mine, you don't have the right!" Wiping the mist from my eyes I heard her intake a shaky breath. "Back home every plant, every blonde streak of hair I saw and every goddamn crevice in that house reminded me of her. Every time I look in the mirror all I see is blood. Fuck you! I was fine, everything here was going okay but now you've come carrying my past and now," spreading out her arms to the side she let out a sigh of resignation. "Now everything's falling apart again." Stepping up to her with a few inches to separate us I whispered, "You don't get to feel 'okay'. Not after what you did, what you could've prevented." Facing away from Liona I instantly regretted the word as I said them. "So that's why your really here? To scream at me for killing Kimmie?"
Tada! The fourth character! So you'll see how he ties in here and get a glimpse into Liona's past. Leave comments and votes!! Will post more soon.

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