Chapter Thirteen

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I finally found the perfect cover story so I'm changing it in maybe a week or so I'm excited but please vote, comment and promoting my story would be awesome!!
Two years ago...

"Kimmie it's just for a few hours. Plus, ma won't even notice I'm gone but please just cover for me this one time! Jason invited my to The Essence and we all know what happens there..." I sometimes wondered if God looked down and laughed of the irony he bestowed on us. Being the only spontaneous wild child in the family made for some stricter rules and early curfews. "You mean Jason? The only who basically raped me with his eyes! God I can't believe you, your so easy. Pluse your under aged." And since my sisters birth and the beginning of my parents blooming marriage they nuns at were all born with a nuns heart leaving me to be the black sheep of the family. So ironically I did the one thing that in the end has me outta the house undetected with my stomach like sour milk and rage shooting through my veins. I groveled like a pig and made promises to high heaven to buy more books for her already growing library. "Please Kimmie when we look back on our youthful days all that will be our legacy is a boring life with no excitement to tell our kids. So please I'm begging you, literally." Looking up at Kimmie I was always envious of her, her fair skin that held her freckles which took hours for me to perfect every morning, the waves of black that hung down to her waist that varied from my limp curls and her curvaceous body -that hid behind snoopy pajamas- had the boys sweating like bitches in heat. Damn you Kimmie, I thought. "Fine you can go..." But I sure as hell love you. Smiling wide jumped up and ran to the door. "But I'm going with you." Hand resting the the gold curve of the knob I weighed my chances on how far I could run in my kitty heels. The odds wasn't looking too good. Sighing I nodded and heard the bounce of her steps retreating in the hall. What the fuck Kimmie, I thought. Turning around Kimmie ran back with skinny jeans on and a top that practically clung to her waxing chest. Glaring at them I held my finger to my lips and made my way out the door.

Twenty minutes later and a grumbling sister belting curses to whoever decided it was a good idea to save this part of the forest that stood between our house and The Essence. Turning back to her I asked, "Then why did you come if your gunna complain all night? God your so annoying." Silence rang out for a few moments before I heard her whispering cursed words and replying, "Because your right. I want stories to tell my kids and you seem to be the doorway to that, and I'm totally gunna ruin your night wit-" Holding my hand up to my ear all was quiet, hoping that what I felt was my ticket away from this hell. "What are you-"
"I said shut the fuck up." Turning back I felt the ground vibrate in small thrums and the faint horn of a train blaring. Smiling I discretly gave Kimmie a look and then darted forward. Hearing a startled gasp I heard branches crunch and leaves being squished beneath her feet. Thank god for mom putting me in track, I thought as I leaped over a fallen tree. Scanning between the trees I saw the glow of the train lights hitting off the tracks. "I'm going to kill you Liona! What are you doing." I laughed maniacally to the sky, "Your gunna have to catch me to kill me first." Sprinting faster I made it across the tracks with the train missing me by a hairline, after I made it over is when I heard a horrifying scream.


Just as I made my bed in the living room I snuggled into the comforter. Turning over I felt sleep grasp me in its fingers before I heard a scream come from Leo's room. Jumping up I sprinted to her room, fist raised and kicked open her door. Looking at her windows I saw them locked tight and no assailant in sight. Looking at Liona's bed I saw her body writhe, clutching her comforter like a life raft and her face contorted in pain. "Leo?" Racing to her bed I grabbed her arms and tried to wake her up. Pulling her close into a hug I whispered, "Its okay Leo I'm right here. It's okay." Seconds of her squirming in my arms I heard her hiccup with strangled sobs. Feeling her fingers grasp my arms I heard her muffled voice whisper two words over and over like a broken record, I'm sorry.
too lazy and tired to edit this but here's the next chapter.

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