Ask KakJota (1)

122 7 27

all questions asked by XxMalliezxX
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Do you wish you were taller than Jotaro, Kakyoin?

Kakyoin: While, I usally would say no - if I'm being honest: yes. I would love to be taller than him. It's not that I don't like being shorter than him - it is just, some situations are awkward due to our height difference.

Jotaro: Cuddling is the worst. I have to be careful not to suffocate him - or at least, be careful not to make his whole body go numb from my weight ontop of him.
Jotaro: Also, trying to kiss standing up is hell for us.

〘↘ ↙〙
So you accept me as your sister?

Kakyoin: Um...? Sure? I've always been an only child so - having a sibling would be cool!

Jotaro: Absolutely not. I already have enough annoying family members.

Kakyoin: Don't mind him, he's always like this.

〘↘ ↙〙
Jotaro (my brother's future bride) have you ever tried on a skirt or dress?

Jotaro: [laughing] Me? In a dress? You realize they don't make dresses or skirts that fit me - right? Also why in the world, would I ever wear a dress?

Kakyoin: You tired one on yesterday-

Jotaro: [slaps a hand over his mouth]
Jotaro: You know nothing.

〘↘ ↙〙
*shows off their 'pinktaro'* Do you like him, Kakyoin?

Kakyoin: Um, he's a bit different than my Jotaro. At least looks wise but...yeah! I think he's really cute.

Jotaro: Fucker, is just any Jotaro cute now?

Kakyoin: What are you even getting made at-? All I did was say he was cute! And he's you so?

Jotaro: That was sarcasm you absolute dumbass.

〘↘ ↙〙
Do you guys like sweets?

Jotaro: I actually, really like sweets. Though only certain kinds. Some are just way too sugary for my tastes- but I can always go for some dark-chocolate.

Kakyoin: Everything and anything that had sugar in it!

Jotaro: Which is why, we have seemingly dozens of boxes of candy in our house.

〘↘ ↙〙
Ideal date spots?

Jotaro: The beach.

Kakyoin: Well, I was actually thinking-

Jotaro: Of the beach. The beach is the only ideal date spot.

Kakyoin: Alright fine, fine have it your way.
Kakyoin: [whispers] An arcade.

〘↘ ↙〙
If Kakyoin keeps grabbing, and massaging Jotaro's tits - will they get bigger?

Jotaro: I don't think...that's scientifically sound.

Kakyoin: [pushing him aside] I sure hope so! That would be amazing! Have you seen the size of his chest - if it got bigger, ohhhh boy! I would have a field day -!

Jotaro: [shoves him] Shut the hell up!

Kakyoin, have you ever drawn the two of you fucking?

Jotaro: [summoning Star Platinum]
Jotaro: If you say yes, I'm burning your pencils.

Kakyoin: For, obvious reasons, I have to say - no. I don't.

〘↘ ↙〙
Do you like BDSM?  Does Kakyoin get claw marks on his back in the aftermath?

Jotaro: [flushed] Why the hell are they allwoed to ask such personal questions!?

Kakyoin: [smirking] Oh. We love to get kinky. Toys, rope the whole nine-yards! And Jotaro over here has the wildest

Jotaro: Enough.

Kakyoin: And you should see my back afterwards-!


〘↘ ↙〙
Kakyoin, would you grab Jotaro's ass in public?

Kakyoin: [opens his mouth]

Jotaro: Don't even say a word.
Jotaro: Yes. He would and he does.


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