Ask KakJota (3)

90 6 12

questions asked by XxMalliezxX
Does Kakyoin's hair noddle, taste like noddle?
Kakyoin: Um, no. It doesn't.

Jotaro: I had the same exact question when I was drunk last night.
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Favorite food? Favorite drinks?

Kakyoin: My favorite food...? I'd have to go with soba! Gods, do I adore soba. And my favorite drink is, well, just any kind of soda I guess.

Jotaro: My favorite food is hamburgers. Cause the old man always bought them for me. As for drinks, whiskey.

Kakyoin: [hits him lightly]

Jotaro: Alright, alright... it's tea.
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Are your cheeks soft? Do you guys bite each other's cheeks?

Jotaro: First of all, we don't bite each other's faces. That's fucking weird.
Jotaro: Second...I don't think our faces are soft.

Kakyoin: [touches his face]
Kakyoin: They're pretty soft.
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Is Jotaro clingy when Kakyoin (on purpose or not) pays attention to him?

Kakyoin: I wouldn't say clingy! He's just super adorable...

Jotaro: Yeah, sure...not clingy. That's why I didn't let you move from your spot for six hours yesterday.

Kakyoin: I was trying to cover for you, asshole.

Jotaro: Well - I'm telling the truth. Thats what you wanted right? [smirks]

Kakyoin: Listen here, you little shit-!
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Can I kidnap Kakyoin?

Jotaro: [grabbing a gun]
Jotaro: I'm not even going to use Star Platinum to kill you if you even try.
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Did y'all read/see KaJota fanworks yet?

Kakyoin: We prefer not to...

Jotaro: It's odd read about yourself  - but it's written by someone else and like they make you say things...? And do things you wouldn't do.

Kakyoin: [shivers] Also some of them are...concerning.
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Which one of you is the cook? Who burns the kitchen down?

Kakyoin: I would say we're both pretty good cooks. However: different types of food. I can't cook anything that isn't from Japan... JoJo, can cook a lot of Amercian dishes, and Italian!

Jotaro: Pathetic.

Kakyoin: Not all of us grew up with a really cool Amercian grandfather and an Italian grandmother!

Jotaro:  So, what if I have DNA from Italy and the U.S? That doesn't mean every Italian can cook Italian food. Just like you can't handle alcohol despite being half-Irish. 

Kakyoin: Unrelated.
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Have you ever thought about dying your hair?

Jotaro: A few times...but I would have to bleach it first and I really don't want to do that.

Kakyoin: There was a time when I was young that I dyed it black, to try and help curb the bullying. But once middle-school hit everyone thought I was a yankii*  so I kept my hair it's natural color.

Jotaro: Really? They thought you were a delinquent?

Kakyoin: [mutters] I was...

Jotaro: [s h o o k]

**(term for a Japanese person who refuses to take part in traditionally strict Japanese standards on society - basically the U.S's punk/emo/alternative groups but in japan **

Has Jotaro bit Kakyoin's dick while giving him a blowjob?

Jotaro: [flushing] The first few times I tried to give him a blowjob, yeah. I definitely bit it or at least scraped my teeth against it.

Kakyoin: [on the floor curled into a ball reliving it]
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How many rounds can you last?

Kakyoin: Depends? Usally: on a perfectly normal day maybe three or four?

Jotaro: Shut the hell up you don't even count.

Kakyoin: [laughing] Okay, okay. We don't know. All we know is when we're tired it's only one.

Jotaro: And after he gets home from a 12 week mission from the SWF, we're fucking feral.
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Is Jotaro's body ever sore in the aftermath?

Jotaro: Depends on whether we made love, or had sex. Because those mean two different things in our house.
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Does Jotaro admit he's a slut for Kakyoin, yet?

Kakyoin: He - doesn't. And I doubt he ever will. No matter how much prompting I give him, he never gives me that sweet line of: "Yes~! I'm a slut for daddy's cock!"

Jotaro: Our life isn't a prono. So, I will never ever  say that.

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