Ask KakJota (2)

118 6 35

questions asked by twins101
Kakyoin, do you get along with Jotaro's family? And Jotaro, how do you get along with Kakyoin's?

Kakyoin: I get along swell with the Joestars!  That being, Holly and Joseph. Oh! And his lovely wife Suzie Q. I just afore her. Me and Josuke - we are two peas in the same pod! Now...I haven't really met Giorno - and Jolyne is my ray of sunshine!

Jotaro: There isn't a single one of my family members you dislike-?

Kakyoin: [smiling] Oh, no. I'd like to murder your father. Sadao can go fuck himself with a broken reed for all I care.

Jotaro: ...Right.
Jotaro: Well...Kakyoin's family - didn't like me at first. Actually: they hated me. And I didliked them, they're not bad people it's just - well, they tend to be very, very stubborn and stuck in their own beliefs. It took ages for them to come around. But, we're - just awkward now.
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What is your guy's favorite kind of date?

Jotaro: The suprise kind. The one where, your partner doesn't even tell you where you're going. Noriaki, loves to do that. He'll just walk up and say "We're going out. Get dressed." And that's the end of it.

Kakyoin: Awe, you always acted as if you disliked my suprises!

Jotaro: That's because you do this bullshit.
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Are there any compromises you two have to make in the relationship?

Kakyoin: Bucket loads. The biggest one is, well, long-distance a lot of the time. Due to my career...I can't be home all that often. Jotaro had to really try and pull through it. And well...there's also, Jolyne. Me and Jotaro didn't actually get together for - years. We had a few unplanned...flings, but other than that - well we mostly thought it best to stay away. I was never really the family type- so I had to come to terms that I would be a stepfather when we married it was, difficult.

Jotaro: And now you're her favorite parent. What the hell.
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What would your dream holiday be?

Jotaro: We both agree on this right?

Kakyoin: Of course! In sync!

Jotaro & Kakyoin: Skiing in the Rocky Mountains!

Jotaro: I didn't actually except that to work.

Kakyoin: Me either.
questions asked by XxMalliezxX
*shows off their KakJota artwork*  Do you like?
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Kakyoin: Yeah! The style is interesting...You draw us, a bit differently than I do.

Jotaro: Hate it.

Kakyoin: You just can't appreciate true art when you see it!

Jotaro: [looks longer] Still hate it.
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If someone would cut Kakyoin's hair noodle, would he die?

Kakyoin: Listen. There are two rules in life.
Kakyoin: Never touch a woman's purse without permission. And never  touch a man's hair without permission.

Jotaro: He'd be going going jail. We'd end up with a missing lock of hair and a corpse.
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Besides dolphins, does Jotaro love or like anything else?

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