''Soulmates, maybe?''

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6:04 PM

I'm here, alone in Yeol-a and I's dorm room

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I'm here, alone in Yeol-a and I's dorm room. She called in some food and went to get it. Actually, if I'm being completely honest, I never thought I would have friends here this fast. I just arrived here yesterday, and I've made two friends already. I'm really proud of myself, back in Japan, I couldn't even speak to anyone except via online interactions. I guess this country changed me for the best.

I heard someone open the door.

''Finally food!'' I sighed happily. I had been waiting for what seemed to be hours.

''I really look like that much of a girl?'' Said Heesung, on his way into the dorm room.

''If we look from that angle, maybe a little!'' I said while slightly tilting my head to the side.

''Anyways, do you mind telling me what brings you here, Mr. Lee?''

''I thought my friend and I could join your dinner, I hope you don't mind. Speaking of, he went to get the food too.''

As he explained the reason for his visit, Yeol-a entered the room.

''I'm back with the food sorry for making you star-'' She said, cutting her sentence at the sight of the man who was sitting down.

''Heesung, right?'' She asked the man.

''Good guess!'' He said while playfully winking at the girl.

She seemed quite flustered, poor her. She ignored the man's antics and unpacked the food from the brown paper bag, which was leaving a pleasing odor.

''Is he eating with us? Because I only bought what you told me to order so..'' Yeol-a asked me.

''Don't worry his friend ordered their food, and he should arrive soon from what Heesung told me.''

As I spoke, a knock on the door could be heard. Heesung stood up and opened it.

''Guys, this is my friend Riki Nishimura, you can call him Niki if you'd like it better, right?'' Heesung said while looking at the tall blonde figure.

I was about to greet him, but once I realised who it was, I just stood there, quite shocked. 

''Are you guys okay?'' Heeseung said, trying to get Niki and I's attention.

I looked at Heesung and assured him everything was alright. He still gave me a suspicious look.

''You guys know each other?'' Asked the brown haired man.

''Not real-'' I was about to finish my sentence, but a voice interrupted me.

''I guess you can say that.'' Niki said while giving me a slight smile.

''Alright no need to introduce yourself then.'' Heesung said to me before turning towards Yeol-a.

''Oh hello I'm Gwan Yeol-a, nice to meet you.''

Yeol-a only earned a small nod from the Japanese man. I could feel the slightly tense atmosphere, so I decided to break the awkwardness.

''Which program did you guys register for?'' I said before taking a bite from my delicious gilgeori-toast.

''The literature program, I've always loved reading and writing so I thought this would be perfect for me.'' The shorter haired girl said.

''As you know already, music. Again thank you for your help, Kumi. Without you I probably would have been lost.'' Heeseung said, laughing a bit.

I thanked Heeseung and turned towards Niki, who really seemed to enjoy his samgyeopsal. He looked at me, a little confused.

''Niki, she asked us which program we signed up for, it would be kind of you to answer her question.'' The brown haired man said while waving his hand in front of Niki's face.

''Dance.'' Niki said, in somewhat cold tone, not leaving his eyes from his food.

Heesung, Yeol-a and I exchanged a weird look.

''What about you?'' Yeol-a asked me.

''Art. My mom used to be a photograph.''

''She isn't anymore?'' Heesung asked, his mouth full of his food.

''No. Before, she would travel with my dad around the world, and take beautiful pictures of every stunning sceneries she had in front of her eyes.'' I said, trying to sound as casual as possible.

''Do you mind me asking what happened? I'm really sorry if it's too personal..'' Asked Yeol-a, with a worried expression on her face.

''My dad used to run a very successful company back in Japan. But the company got in a bit of friction with this other company and my family went broke. The pressure must have been too hard for my dad and he commited the act despite all the support my mom and I gave him.'' I said, hoping no one could see my eyes slowly getting wet.

As I said those words, Niki looked away from his food to look at me. Without hesitating, he went in and hugged me. I quickly broke the hug, but as soon as I was free, someone else went in and hugged me. Yeol-a followed Niki's antics. I pulled away once again, and it was now Heesung's turn. Yeol-a and Heeseung were laughing so hard, I actually enjoyed it. It helped me free my mind from all of those thoughts. But only one person didn't seem to have fun. Niki. He was there again, eating his food, avoiding the 3 teenagers around him having fun. I shrugged it off and cleaned the dorm, which was now filled with styrofoam plates and plastic flatwares. Soon after I stood up, Yeol-a helped me clean the mess our dorm was filled with. 

As soon as Yeol-a and I were done, we went to back to go see the boys, but only Heesung was left. I asked Heesung if something happened, but just told me that Niki's roommate had something to do with him. Only the three of us were left in the dorm.

''Actually there is something I have to confess.'' I suddently said to both of them.

''You and Niki are dating? I mean we already knew just by the way he was looking at you.'' The boy asked.

''NO NO WE'RE NOT! I do not plan dating anyone, well at least for this year. What I wanted to tell you guys is that, Niki and I, we met only once before and It was at the airport. I have no idea why he lied by saying we already knew each other when we really didn't.''

''Kumi Ideka, do you realise how much of a coincidence everything is? Actually no, it's probably not a coincidence.'' Yeol-a said, smiling and turning towards Heesung, who was thinking about the same thing as her.

''What? You're confusing me.'' I said to the pale girl.

''Soulmates, maybe?'' Heesung and Yeol-a said at the same time, as if they were at a choir.

''Soulmates, maybe?'' Heesung and Yeol-a said at the same time, as if they were at a choir

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a/n: More things happened with Niki as you might have realised it. Also, I wanted to specify that in this story, Heesung isn't 19, he is 17. I'll try to update the story as much as possible and improve myself. Don't worry guys, the ''juicy'' parts are coming pretty soon. Once again you learned more about Kumi's life, but there's wayyyyyy more to discover about her and the other characters. In the next chapters, you may as well be introduced to some new characters, and we'll focus more into Niki's life. Take care! xx

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