"If I'm being honest.."

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12:23 PM

Right after I hung up with my mom on the phone, Yeol-a came out of the bathroom

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Right after I hung up with my mom on the phone, Yeol-a came out of the bathroom.

''Let's eat lunch now, I don't know about you, but I'm starving!'' Yeol-a said, taking out her food from fridge.

"I agree. I think we both deserve to have a meal after waiting for what seemed to be hours in line." I said, following Yeol-a to the fridge.

As we both sat at the table, Yeol-a took a deep breath before speaking.

"I guess it's time to tell you what Jake almost said earlier. Are you ready?" She said, staring into my eyes.

"As long as you are, I am!"

She closed her eyes tightly before starting her story.

"About a year ago, I met this boy online. We both clicked really well and talked for weeks. He then asked if I had any social media account or a phone number. Of course I had, I mean I'm not from the dawn of creation. I gave him my number and my instagram account. We called, and proceeded to date. After some time, things started to take a weird and unwanted turn. He started saying I wasn't pretty, that my voice wasn't attractive and that I wasn't worth of his love. I apologized multiple times thinking I did something wrong. I considerated doing plastic surgeries. One day, he said something that broke my heart. He was cheating on me. The worst is that he was dating that girl way before he started dating me. I felt horrible and disgusted. I blocked all of his social medias and his phone number. Ever since then, I haven't heard of him, and that's perfect to me. Now you know why I do not trust people online easily and why I never gave you or anyone else my phone numbers or social medias accounts."

"Do perharps know where he was from?" I asked randomly.

"That's funny you're asking that, because he's from Okayama too."

I was starting to sweat, afraid that the boy who cheated on her was the same who cheated on me.

"What's his name?" I asked, a bit hesitant.

"Osaki Shotaro."

When I heard the name of the boy, all I could do is freeze.

Last year, I had a boyfriend. His name was Shotaro, and the next thing I knew was that he was cheating on me with a random girl. For some reason, I can't blame Yeol-a. She didn't know he was cheating on her, and neither did I.

"Yeol-a.. I'm sorry." I said, covering my face with my hands, letting my tears flow down my face.

"What do you mean? You have no reason to be sorry, now stop crying, okay?" She said, patting my back.

"You don't understand, he was cheating on you with me."

I looked at her, thinking she was gonna slap me or something. But instead, she started laughing.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2021 ⏰

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