Chapter 3 - Loneliness

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The meeting went on for longer than anyone would have liked. Erzhi and Sasaki's stomachs rumbled. They got permission to leave and get some food.

"Oh, Lyse," Erzhi said, turning her head towards the hyur. "Do you know where Sechen is right now?"

"The infirmary, probably?"

"The infirmary?" Erzhi's eyes widened a bit, a bit of panic slipping into her voice. "Is she hurt?"

"Ah, no, no." Lyse shook her head. "Sechen has been training as a field doctor over the past months."

"Oh." Erzhi let out a relieved sigh. "Okay, thank you." She looked down at Sasaki. "Let's stop by the infirmary after we eat."

Sasaki thought she had a fairly good idea what that was about. "... Okay."

The couple headed over to the field kitchen and each received a bowl of soup. They sat down behind a tent, out of sight, and chatted about their recent experiences as they ate. Sasaki told Erzhi about the primals she'd been facing, and Erzhi told Sasaki about life in the First.

When they finished eating, they returned their dishes to the kitchen. Erzhi asked the chef, "Have the doctors at the infirmary come for their food yet?"

"Nay, not yet," he replied with a gruff voice.

"They're probably quite busy right now," Erzhi said. "But, food is important. Fill some bowls and we'll deliver them."

And so, they set off for the infirmary with a dozen bowls of soup between them. Rows of hospital tents stood side-by-side, each containing a doctor looking over several patients. Sasaki followed Erzhi's lead as they visited each tent and gifted a bowl of soup to each doctor.

The couple stepped into the final tent. A xaela, with steel blue skin and straight blonde hair that reached her jaw and covered one of her eyes, sat back in a chair with her eyes closed, panting, her white apron covered in bloodstains.

"Don't push yourself," Erzhi said softly, placing the last bowl of soup on the table beside the au'ra. "Here, you should eat."

The au'ra turned her head towards Erzhi and slowly opened her eyes. She blinked once, then twice. Her eyes shot open and she jumped out of the chair, taking a step towards Erzhi before stumbling and pressing a hand to her head.

Erzhi caught the au'ra by the shoulders and led her back to the chair. "Take it easy, Sechen. I'm not going anywhere any time soon."

Erzhi pulled a waterskin from her cloak and handed it to Sechen. The au'ra drank deeply, then let out a fulfilled sigh. She stared at Erzhi with sparkling eyes and a bright smile, the picture of happiness.

"You're probably already acquainted," Erzhi said, stepping back and gesturing to Sasaki. "But, this is Sasaki. My wife."

Sechen's eyes widened as she stared at the lalafell. Her pure amazement changed to pure excitement. She clapped her hands together, smiling wide enough to show her teeth. She pulled her knees up a bit and squirmed with joy, looking entirely like a kid who just got exactly what she wanted for her birthday.

"Sasaki, this is Sechen," Erzhi continued. "She's, mm... an important friend, but, a bit more than that? It's hard to explain..."

"It's nice to meet you, Sechen," Sasaki said, bowing slightly.

Sechen placed her hand on her chest and bowed as much as she could manage while staying in the chair.

Sasaki turned to Erzhi. "Would it be easier to show me what she is to you?"

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