Chapter 6 - Change

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Sasaki stirred awake in a wide bed. She was in a one-room apartment, with little more than a bath, bed, sofa, and dinner table. Erzhi and Sechen stood near the door, waving as a Seeker with a red ponytail left.

Erzhi turned and looked at Sasaki. "Ah, you're awake! You were out for a few hours. No more Echo for a while, okay?"

"Good idea," Sasaki said, sitting up, her head screaming at her. "Where are we?"

"This is my apartment," Erzhi said. "I got permission to leave with you two since the fighting has reached a standstill."

"I must have been out for a while." Sasaki shook her head, then regarded Sechen. "Well, I approve of you. I don't mind if you continue as you have been."

Sechen's face lit up with a smile. She bowed to Sasaki.

"Speaking of that," Erzhi said, gesturing to the bath. "Care to join me? We're all pretty gross right now."

Sasaki nodded. "Sure. Sechen can wash you, and you can wash me."

"Sounds good."

The three stripped and entered the bath. Sasaki sat in Erzhi's lap, facing her, and watched Sechen curiously. The au'ra had no hint of sexual desire in her expression or actions. Did Sechen not experience such desires? Or had she fully locked them away?

Was Sechen happy with their arrangement? Well, obviously, but could she be happier? Sasaki had to wonder. She and Sechen had no feelings for each other, but they both loved and were loved by Erzhi, and neither of them seemed to mind having Erzhi's affections split.

Maybe it wasn't a problem Sasaki needed to solve, but she still wanted to try.

Sasaki and Erzhi had bathed together all the time back in Othard, so it was a bit nostalgic for both of them. Sasaki squirmed as Erzhi washed Sasaki's sensitive ears. Sechen's face held only contentment as she watched the two, even as they happily kissed.

They finished bathing and dried off. Erzhi asked Sasaki, "Would you like a massage? Sechen is very good at them."

Sasaki shook her head. "No, thanks. Sechen is here for you, not me."

Erzhi hummed.

"You're free to get one, though."

Erzhi stared at Sasaki with a thoughtful expression. "Well, okay."

Erzhi laid down on her stomach on the bed. Sechen sat over her thighs, as usual, getting to work. Sasaki sat on the edge of the bed and watched Erzhi.

"Erzhi," Sasaki said. "Are you content to ignore Sechen's feelings for you?"

Erzhi bit her lower lip and considered it for a few seconds. She rolled onto her back to face Sechen. "Sechen, are you happy with how things are now?"

The au'ra nodded, ever smiling.

Erzhi gave Sasaki an awkward smile. "So, we don't need to make things complicated, right?"

"Don't we?" Sasaki ran her hand across Erzhi's cheek. "You love her, don't you?"

"Well..." Erzhi's expression turned guilty. She glanced at Sechen, then to the wall. "Yeah."

Sechen opened her mouth, shocked, her heart skipping a beat. Even if it were true, Sechen never expected Erzhi to admit it. Love between them was all but forbidden. Then again, Erzhi had always been the honest type.

"But," Erzhi continued, turning back to Sasaki. "I said my vows to you, and I meant them. I want to be with you for life, Sasa."

Sasaki beamed. "And I you, Erzhi. But, that doesn't mean Sechen can't be here, too. Don't you think you'd be happier if it was the three of us?"

Erzhi blinked. "Er, that's..."

Sasaki turned her attention to Sechen. "I really can't believe you, Sechen. Erzhi's naked right underneath you. Don't her breasts look just perfect? Don't you want to touch them?"

Erzhi and Sechen stared at Sasaki with a mixture of shock and confusion. Sasaki reached over and grabbed Erzhi's breast, kneading her fingers into the soft flesh. The miqo'te let out a yelp of pleasure before biting her lower lip to reduce her noises to hums.

"Don't her noises make you want to hear more?" Sasaki grabbed Sechen by the wrist and guided her hand down towards Erzhi's thighs. "Come on, help me drive her crazy."

Sechen stared at Sasaki with wide eyes. Her fingertips brushed against Erzhi's short, fine fur. Her heart began pounding like crazy. Sechen didn't know what to do. She looked to Erzhi for guidance.

Erzhi glanced at Sasaki's expression, then locked eyes with Sechen. "Do you want to?"

Erzhi's eyes looked different than Sechen had ever seen them. No, wait, she'd seen them once before. The very first time Erzhi and Sechen had met. Was that Erzhi's lustful expression?

Sasaki wanted Sechen to do it. Erzhi wanted Sechen to do it. But, if she did, wouldn't things change between them? She'd go from being a maid to being a concubine. Would their comfy life fade away if they added sex? Would it be a change for the better, or for the worse?

Erzhi and Sasaki stared at Sechen, awaiting her answer. The prospect frightened her, but... she really wanted to. She nodded.

Erzhi looked to Sasaki one more time.

Sasaki nodded.

Erzhi took a deep breath and settled her heart before smiling up at Sechen. She held Sechen's hand. "Then, let's do it."

Sechen still had a lot of uncertainty, but she steeled her resolve and took the plunge.

Erzhi and Sasaki had plenty of experience while Sechen had none. Erzhi didn't mind, instead finding the awkward movements extremely cute. Sasaki gave Sechen plenty of advice which the au'ra quickly took to heart. Nobody would know Erzhi's bedroom tastes better than Sasaki.

An hour later, the three cuddled together on the bed, exhausted and satisfied. Sechen and Sasaki laid on either side of Erzhi, one of the miqo'te's arms around each of them.

"Sasaki," Erzhi whispered. "I love you."

"I love you, too."

"Is this really okay?" Erzhi asked, perhaps a bit too late. "The three of us..."

Sasaki nodded. "It is. I know how much you love each other, but I also know that your love for her doesn't affect your love for me. I know you'll keep your vows."

"I will," Erzhi promised, kissing the top of Sasaki's head. She turned to Sechen. "Then, Sechen, allow me to say it properly. I love you."

Sechen beamed. "I love you, too."

Erzhi jolted to attention. "Wait, you just talked!?"

Sechen held up one finger.

"... Only once, huh?"

Sechen nodded with a coy smile, bringing her finger to her lips. She couldn't accept the thought of Erzhi going her whole life without ever hearing Sechen say, "I love you." Sechen hoped her ancestors would forgive the tiny transgression.

Erzhi pulled Sechen's hand away and gave the au'ra a firm kiss, one filled with passion, unlike the lusting kisses Erzhi had given over the previous hour.

Erzhi let out a content sigh. "I feel bad that you two have to share me. You both deserve my full attention. But, I'm happy."

"Don't worry about it," Sasaki said, leaning up to kiss Erzhi's cheek. "I'm happy just being with you, and judging by Sechen's face, she's also happy."

Sechen nodded.

"Mm." Erzhi raised her hands and rubbed the tops of both of the other women's heads. "You two try to get along too, okay? It'll make me feel better."

"Sechen's a good girl, I'm sure she'll be easy to get along with," Sasaki said.

Sechen hesitantly reached out a hand and stroked Sasaki's hair.

Erzhi smiled and pulled the two closer. "Let's stay together for a long time, okay? The three of us."


Sechen nodded.

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