Chapter 5 - Helpful

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"I'm pretty sure I'm fine," Erzhi said, as Sasaki slowly returned to reality. "Sasaki would have noticed any injuries."

Sechen lowered Erzhi's arm and nodded.

Sasaki's repeated use of the Echo was giving her a headache. But, now she was sure Erzhi loved Sechen. Erzhi knew, right? Or was her love for Sasaki so blinding she couldn't recognize her feelings for Sechen as love?

Maybe those feelings would die out, cast to the side now that Erzhi had reunited with Sasaki. That could be a good thing, depending on how Sechen felt about Erzhi. But, couldn't there be another solution?

"Sechen," Sasaki said, turning to the xaela. "I know Erzhi trusts you entirely. However, I'm wondering about your motivations."

Sechen regarded Sasaki with innocent eyes, tilting her head.

"Can you show me a memory you have of Erzhi? Some important moment that happened some time after you arrived in Eorzea."

Erzhi let out a light sigh. "Think back on the memory, visualize it as best you can, and hold it in the front of your mind. Nod when you're ready."

Sechen glanced between Erzhi and Sasaki, uncertain. She closed her eyes, and after a few seconds, nodded. Sasaki dived in.

Sechen stood on the outskirts of an army camp, just outside the capital of Ala Mhigo. Smoke rose from the city as the war raged on within its walls, although most of it had settled by then. Everyone had their eyes on the airship landing.

A massive dragon with dark blue scales and a golden underbelly swooped towards the airship landing. It let out blasts of green energy that exploded and sent chunks of stone raining down.

Sechen couldn't see Erzhi, but she knew the miqo'te was there fighting against the dragon. She couldn't comprehend how, but Erzhi's strength cared not for reason. Erzhi had felled countless primals, and Sechen hoped this one would be no different.

Sechen did wish she could be there at Erzhi's side. Alas, Sechen did not have the power of the Echo that Erzhi and the other Scions had, the power to fight against primals without losing their mind.

On top of that, Erzhi's words echoed in Sechen's mind. "You don't need to help me fight. I'd be worried, I couldn't bear to see you hurt."

The dragon flew up into the sky, writhing and roaring a horrible roar. The edges of its body started to burn away into a green light which swallowed up the dragon, leaving only motes of aether. Two meteors surrounded in the green light descended towards the rooftop of the castle.

"All you have to do," Sechen's memory of Erzhi said, "is be there for me when the battle ends."

Sechen rushed over to where Erzhi's yol had been tied next to a feeding trough. She loosed the massive bird and hopped onto its back, pointing towards the castle. The yol understood. It took off into the air and Sechen held on as tightly as she could as it flew off.

Atop the castle grew a massive flower garden. As Sechen drew near, she could see Erzhi standing several meters away from Zenos, who laid on the ground bleeding from his neck. Was he dead? Well, that didn't matter. Erzhi being alive mattered.

A few people stood around Erzhi, some familiar, some not, but all of them friendly. The yol landed nearby and Sechen dropped from its back, running towards Erzhi.

"Ah, Sechen," Erzhi said with a weak smile. She dropped her katana. "Good timing. Please, take me to the infirmary."

Erzhi closed her eyes and collapsed forward. Sechen's eyes widened. She caught Erzhi and stood, frozen.

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