Chapter Five- New Home

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He's tall (not as tall as Uvo but around 7'5") and built with lean muscle. His hair is black and styled into a short, messy faux hawk. His eyes are shades of purple mixed together to create a nebula affect, his freckles possibly making the stars.

As he addresses you with a smile, his glasses glint in the light.

"Sirius!" you exclaim and go run to him, jumping and arms outstretched. Except something snags you from behind and puts you down. It didn't take a genius to recognize the big ass hands that grabbed you.

"not so sure I like the idea of you going and hugging strangers." Uvo said, putting distance between you and Sirius.

"I know him. He's not a stranger." You say.

Sirius, with an amused smile, extends a hand to Uvo. "My name is Sirius Matterazzi."

Uvo kinda slaps his hand away. "Yeah that's nice."

With an eye roll, you sidestep Uvo to go to Sirius. Uvo reaches out to stop you but Sirius already has a hold of you and moves you away from Uvo's range.

With a once over of Uvo from Sirius, you know that Sirius is reading Uvo's body language like a book.

"I'm not going to hurt anyone here unless I have to." Sirius says. "You may put your worries to rest my friend."

"you are not my friend." Uvo returns.

"yes because you swatted away my greeting." Sirius fixes a bit of fray in your hair and dusts off your outfit before smiling and then turning to Uvo who looks thoroughly uncomfortable.

"Can we talk somewhere privately?" Uvo asks with the cross of his arms. Sirius cuffs the undershirt sleeves of his outfit, helping show the tattoos underneath. They are roses that cover his arms, part of his chest, and his neck.

"Do you feel safe here by yourself?" Sirius asks you.

Looking at the others who just watched this unravel, you nod. "Yeah I'm fine."

"Then I will be right back." With that, Sirius tucks his hands into his pockets and follows Uvo out of the room.

"He's probably gone to beat him up." Pakunoda mumbles. "I guess your friend was handsome while he was alive."

"I think Sirius will be fine."

Pakunoda looks up at the windows to see the sunlight fading away. "Guess we should get to our rooms."

You don't feel tired but agree anyway. On the way to return to your room, you ask Pakunoda, "Where is Pollux's room?"

"Down the hall from yours." she points. "On the right."

"Wait so..." earlier, when you hears voices of Pollux and Machi... "He really was in her room..."

"I beg your pardon?" Pakunoda asks, obviously confused as to what you were talking about.

"it's nothing." you answer even though you feel a little sickly now. She nods and leaves you at your room to retreat to hers.

In your room, you sit on the bed and feel the sheets. They aren't the highest quality but they will have to do.

There soon is a knock on the door and you open it. Outside is Chrollo with a box that he hands to you. "If you don't like anything or it doesn't fit, come see me and let me know."

"Okay..." you say quietly before going back into your room to put the stuff down and Chrollo shuts the door on his way out.

Inside the box is clothes, pajamas, and various undergarments that the idea of Chrollo picking out made your face flush pink. Not to mention, as you held up the bra, it looked go be about your size. The pajamas were soft and the clothes brand new.

"Where did they get all this stuff..?" you wondered aloud. You soon started to put stuff away and hang things up before getting changed into a pair of matching pajamas.

Turning the lights off, you hopped into bed and stared at the ceiling. You weren't tired but instead bored. As far as you knew, there wasn't anything to do around the base.

Soon there was another knock and you got up to open it. Chrollo was back with another box in which you brought inside and he left you to it.

In this one was snacks and toiletries like toothpaste, a toothbrush, shampoo and conditioner, along with body wash and a few perfumes that looked like anything but cheap. There's also a note.

'I wasn't sure what scents you liked so I got different kinds.' And it is signed by Chrollo.

You put those away next, brush your teeth, and then brush your hair a bit, slipping on some comfortable shoes Chrollo provided. With your boredom in mind, you decide to head out into the halls.

You were probably going to be staying here for a while so might as well get used to the layout of the base.

It was going to be your home for the foreseeable future.

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