Chapter Seven- Explanation

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"Long story short, you're like a medium." Pollux says.

"A medium...?" you mumble.

"You can communicate with spirits on certain levels." Sirius offers.

You and your two teammates and the two Troupe members are in the lounge, sitting on the cushioned furniture. Most of your group looks relaxed except for Pollux who is leaning forward with his hands folded in front of him, almost like a problematic father who still hasn't fixed his hair.

"The term back home is called a Realm Bridge, because those of the dead are on a different realm. The Shadow Realm is like hell and the Light Realm is like heaven." Pollux shrugs. "And there's also the Forbidden Realm, the Angel Realm, the Mortal Realm-"

"Pollux, back on track." Sirius cuts in.

"My bad... Anyways, the name is just like it says. It's a bridge between the realms. If you are alive, you talk to those in the other realms often through visions, your physical body staying in the Mortal Realm. That is, if the one you want to talk to is dead. The only exception to this is if you are talking to a shadow creature."

"Which is a soul from the Shadow Realm that crawled from the gates of hell to haunt the mortals." Sirius adds.

"Or the Forbidden Realm." Pollux supplies.

"Don't make it complicated." Sirius says. "But we say all this to say..."

"You're basically a go-to for all those demons. All they wanna do is take a chunk out of that nice, juicy..."

"Pollux." Sirius sighs.

"...ass." Pollux finishes.

"And our leader knew this." Sirius sits up from his comfortable posture. "Diego sent you here with the hopes of getting them off your tail because you couldn't see them. Apollo could though, being as experienced as he is."

Diego Matterazzi: an Italian-Hispanic known for his leadership skills, lack of emotion towards people and/or pain, and has a knack for smoldering at random times. He's very good at it.

Apollo Hueshern: Another realm bridge cyborg whose dad is actually a foster parent and god of... Dirt? With more years of experience under his belt, it's no surprise he caught onto your condition first.

"And sent Pollux specifically to keep you safe in case things went south or someone wanted to jump you in an alleyway." Sirius says. "I'm here for emotional support."

"Damn softie." Uvo says under his breath.

"Shut the hell up, Beefcake." Sirius replies.

"So what are we going to do about this problem?" Chrollo finally speaks up.

"Give (y/n) protection, obviously." Sirius answers.

"Haha... Protection." Pollux mumbles. Uvo catches the joke and, surprisingly, laughs with Pollux.

Sirius takes his glasses off to pinch the bridge of his nose. "I'm about to choke both of you."

"You know I'm into that." Pollux snickers.

"Let's get back on track please. I'm feeling tired." you say. One of the most draining things to experience is to just sit down and listen to people talk.

"Right. I'd like for you to stay in someone else's room rather than by yourself." Sirius leans back on the sofa once more to ease the tension of the two meatheads in the room.

"Yes because if some demon feels like taking a chunk out of that ass, none of us will know till we find the body." Pollux runs his fingers through his hair to keep it back.

"that settles it!" Chrollo beams and claps his hands once. "Uvo! She's staying with you!"


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