Chapter 11

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Six days.

That's how long Thalia has been sulking in her dark room. Her teachers had given her a few excusals but now they were low on patience. The stack of schoolwork on Thalia's desk would only make them more upset with her.

What bothered her friends more were the plates and bowls of partially eaten food. While Thalia had been improving, no one could get her to eat more than half a meal no matter how much they tried.

A soft knock came at the door, followed by a slow creek. People had stopped waiting for Thalia to reply before they came in.

Noah's head poked in to the room. On the left side bed laid Thalia, her matted brown hair splayed over the pillow. She was still wearing the pajamas that Cordelia had forced her in to three days in, a big hoodie with some band logo on the front and sweatpants. 

"Hey T," Noah said as he brought the rest of himself in to the room. He glanced to the stack of dishes on her desk and then to the salad bowl in his hand, "I brought you some food. I know we've been giving you a lot of fruit and meat and stuff so I figured maybe you'd want something new." Though he said it with confidence and care, Noah knew in the back of his mind that this meal would also go mostly untouched.

Regardless he set it on her nightstand and sat down on the bed, careful not to sit on her.

"Ms. Peterson has been really worried about you. Actually a lot of your teachers are, but she asked me how you were doing today when I came in to class," he hummed. Thalia only blinked.

Still, he continued to talk, "Dr. Corrington too. I caught her in between school and the research place. She said it might help if you were to shower and get out of your room soon." His fingers tapped on his knee. Thalia made a noise in response, it scared him slightly. She hadn't made much noise since she had gotten back to her room. 

"Does that sound like fun? I think your team was talking about having a quick little practice game for fun," He looked to her.

She looked back and then forward again, "I dunno."

"Think about it. You'll be in the ring you won't even notice the dragons. It'll make you feel so much better Thalia, I promise," Noah said hurriedly. His eyes were bright, praying for a breakthrough with her.

"I dunno," she said again.

"I never got the privilege of seeing you out on the ice. Just one game, Thalia," he looked to her.

"I'm not clean," she mumbled as her hand moved to touch her greasy hair.

"Shower. Take a bath, even. I'm sure they'll wait for you if they know you're coming," Noah hummed.

Thalia internally wrestled with herself. The bed had molded to her body by now, and all she had done for the past six days was sleep. She had lost muscle and fat, she probably wasn't in any shape to be playing. Her toned arms had become a little thinner, her legs the same.

"T. Just one game to get your mind off of it all," Noah spoke again breaking her from her internal struggle.

"Fine," she mumbled.

Noah's eyes brightened as he got up off the bed. He extended a hand towards her to help her up, which she took. Her legs buzzed from the sudden movement and weight placed on them but she managed to stay upright somehow.

"I'll shower. Tell them I'll be ready in an hour or two," she sighed.

Noah nodded quickly, "I will. You might wanna eat before you come down but if you just feel like showering that's ok too."

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