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I'm only starting with one chapter and I want to see if I get any positive feedback in it. I mean there is no point in writing this if no one actually likes it. So if you want me to continue just leave a comment or vote



"come on Hermione! The carriage is going to leave without us." I heard Ron yell from down the train.

We were on our way for our 7th year of Hogwarts. After the war, the new headmistress, professor Mcgonagal, opened the school to those who had missed their 7th year. So, Harry, Ron, and I were back for our last year. I was very excited. I believe I heard Neville on the train at some point but he was probably too absorbed with Luna to even think. They're dating now.

Speaking of dating... Harry and Ginny are officially a couple... Again. And as for Ron and I, yeah we are pretty solid. He's a great boyfriend. He has matured so much over the years. Sometimes he seems so grown up that I feel like we've already lived our entire lives. And other time, like now, he reminds me of the 3rd year ginger boy I used to fight with.

"hold on Ronald!" I shouted back. I don't understand why he was rushing me. I was looking for my bracelet. The bracelet he got for me. He spent a bit of money on it and I know he would be devastated if I- yes! I found it!

"I found it, Ron!" I said excitedly as I ran out of the compartment and down the hall.

"good. Now let's go. There are only a few carriages left. We don't want to miss them and have to walk all the way to the castle."

We hurriedly got off the train and into a carriage. I saw for the first time, a thestral. Being my normal self, I should be amazed at this beautiful creature. But I couldn't bring myself to see the beauty because I was too overwhelmed by the eerie feeling of death. I have seen so many deaths in the past year.

Ron got quiet. I knew it was because he was thinking about Fred. I took his hand and squeezed it affectionately. He looked at me through his shaggy red hair and gave me a thankful smile.

He lightened up a bit as we reached the castle doors an unloaded our trunks.

I could hear Hagrid ushering in the first years. He gave Ron and I a greeting nod before leading a line full of frightened 11 year olds through the front doors.

"where's Harry and Ginny?" Ron asked throwing the last of my trunks into the pile with every student's luggage. They will be transported to our rooms before the feast ends.

"ummm..." I said absentmindedly. I stood on my tip toes, using Ron's shoulder as a little more leverage, in search for our friends. "they must be at the feast already." I finally said when I lost hope in finding them in the huge crowd. "we should probably get in there soon."

I took Ron's hand and pushed through a variety of Hogwarts students. When we reached the great hall I instantly spotted flaming red hair. And next to her was a mess of jet black hair. We rushed over to sit across from Harry and Ginny at the Gryffindor table.

"took you two long enough." Ginny complained.

"Gin, give them a break. I'm sure they would understand if we wanted to have a quick snog in an empty class room too."

My mouth dropped open. "we were not snogging! I was looking for my bracelet!"

Harry brushed it off. "sure if that's your story." he looked around the Great Hall. I'm assuming he was looking for familiar faces but his face scrunched in confusion as he looked at the first years.

"Harry, what's the matter?" I questioned.

"that girl over there," He started but Ginny cut in.

"oi! I'm right here. Don't start talking about other girls."

"no, that's not what I meant. Look at the girl on the end. She doesn't look 11 years old."

"yeah, mate, you're right." Ron agreed. "she looks at least 16"

The girl did look older than a first year. She had pin straight blonde hair and a beautiful face. She was smiling. That was another thing that was different besides her obvious age difference. All the other first years looked nervous or scared. She stood at the back of the line smiling and talking to no one.

She caught eye contact with Ron and nodded her head to him. Ron smiled at her and I lightly hit him on the arm.

"what's wrong with you?" he asked me.

"don't smile at her." I said coldly.

"I was just being friendly." he countered.

"you seem to be friendly with all the blondes." I started. "hey Harry, is it me or does that girl sort of look like lavender Brown?"

Harry held up his hands in peace. "I am not getting involved"

"Hermione, calm down. I haven't spoken a word to her."

I realized then that I was being a little over dramatic. I mean, she was a first year for Merlin's sake. And Ron loved me. I didn't have to worry about other girls.

"sorry." I mumbled. Ron laced our fingers together under the table and ran his thumb across my hand. that made me instantly feel better.

Soon we heard a tapping noise coming from the staff table. McGonagal was tapping a spoon on her goblet as she stood up. The great hall was silenced.

"welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to another year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. A few quick announcement before the sorting.

Last spring we all suffered terrible losses. In memory of those we have lost, there is a memorial wall with all the diseased names on it down by the lake. I encourage each and every one of you to stop by at some point during the school year to pay respects to the heroes we have lost.

Next, we have a foreign exchange student this year. Hayden, why don't you come stand up here."

The first year girl we were talking about before made her way up to the head mistress.

"this is Hayden Jones. She is from the United States. Hayden has decide to come to Hogwarts for her last year. I expect you all to be kind and show her the ways of Hogwarts.

And our last announcement is, Mr. Filch has asked me to let all students know that any product of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes will be confiscated and is punishable with detention.

That is all. Now let's get to the sorting!"

The sorting went by quickly. We gained a few more knowledge hungry Gryffindors and they all seemed very eager to sit at the table.

The last to be sorted was Hayden. The sorting hat took a rather long time deciding where to put her. Almost longer than it took to sort me! To my dismay, she was sorted into Gryffindor and ran over to Ron.

She pointed to the seat on the other side of him. "hi is this seat taken?" she asked in her obnoxious American accent.

"no, no! Go a head." Ron scooted a little closer to me to give Hayden room to join our table. "I'm Ron by the way. Ron Weasley."

"I'm Hayden Jones."

"hi, I'm Harry Potter, Ron's best mate."

"and I'm Ginny Weasley, Ron's younger sister and Harry's girlfriend."

"and I'm Hermione Granger," I finally said. "best friend of this lot and girlfriend of Ron" I finished smugly.

I stuck out my hand for her to shake.

"pleasure," Hayden sneered as she shook my hand.

I could tell she like Ron. Right from the second they made eye contact she liked him. I could see how she was affected by my words. Yes, Ronald Weasley is my boyfriend and no body can take him away from me. Not even a snobby American girl.


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