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A.N: this chapter is going to be in Hayden's POV


Crap. He's mad. I know it. I told him I could get them to split up and I am just doing a horrid job at it. I really didn't think it would be that hard. I mean when he told me about them over the summer I hadn't realized this wasn't some pity teenage love. They actually really love each other and there is nothing in my power I can do about it. But what am I going to tell Draco?

I can't believe he is flooing me again! this is too risky. Anyone could be listening in. But what am is supposed to say? it's not like I'm doing any of this by choice. I wish Draco and his family never went to the United States for vacation. If they hadn't, I would be in my hometown going to healer school. That's what I wanted to do with my life. I wanted to be a healer but he took that away from me.

It was only mid June when I met Draco and his vile father. They walked into the restaurant that my family owned. I was their waitress. I had a bad feeling about them the moment they walked into the restaurant. But they hadn't caused any trouble all dinner. When they paid their bill they left a pretty Hefty tip.

On my way out, at the end of my shift, I said goodbye to my mother and father who were still working. It was pretty late by the time I started walking home. I had the strange feeling that people were following me. And when I turned the corner, a block away from my house, there were the Malfoys.

"Hayden is it?" luscious asked.

"Yes. And you are?" I tried to sound intimidating but luscious just chuckled.

"Luscious Malfoy. This is my son, Draco. You seem to be quite the talented witch."

At the time I didn't understand how he would know I was a witch. My family owned a muggle restaurant. I didn't think I used any spells that day at work.

"Oh please. Like we didn't see that wand less magic when that tray of food was falling. And how did you bus your tables so quickly?"

"I should be going now." I said trying to get around them.

"Hayden wait. We haven't even gotten to our proposition yet."


"Draco, why don't you tell her your plan?"

This was the first time I had heard Draco speak.

"There is a family, back in England. They are pure bloods. Like yourself. Am I correct?"


"So I'm sure you are proud to be a pure blood. Are you not?"

"Well, of course I am."

"As a proud pure blood we need to express the fact that we are the elite. There aren't many of us left in the world. We are the purest and greatest wizards in the world and some people won't accept that. This family that I was speaking of, they are the biggest blood traitors I know. The largest in England I suppose because there are so bloody many of them."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"We need you. We need someone new. Someone the Weasley's have never met or even heard of."

"The Weasley's?"

"The blood traitor family. Not only do they love muggles and mud bloods, one of them is dating a mud blood!"

"What's wrong with that? I think you're are takin this pure blood thing a bit to far."

At that moment Draco shoved me up against the alley wall and shoved his wand onto my throat. It happened so fast that I didn't even have enough time to be scared until his piercing gray eyes met mine.

"Don't you ever insult my family or my blood status." His voice was deep and he roughly took my arm and sliced my arm open with his wand. The gash was deep and it stung horribly. I later had to get stitches.

Still pinned up against the wall Draco continued speaking. "I guess we called this a proposition earlier. However, it really isn't. You have no choice but to come with us. We are taking you back to England with us. You job is going to break up one o the blood traitors from his mud blood girlfriend. Because even though she is a mud blood she is quite brilliant. The Weasley family is dim witted without her. Once she's gone, takin down the blood traitors will be simple."

After that I was taken by the Malfoys to England. I hadn't even been able to say goodbye to my family. And the worst part is that they had no idea where I went. Occasionally, Draco would bring in a newspaper from my hometown and there would be a picture of me on the front page. The head lines would read 'still missing' or 'family is offering reward for information'. This was in the early stages. This was the end of June until mid July. I think Draco was doing this so he could scare me. He wanted me to accept the fact that I was stuck with him an there was nothing I could do.

He made me research everything about the war. I had to look at memories an read text books and old daily prophets. He even made me get a tattoo. This was upsetting at first because I had promised my mom I would never get a tattoo. But I got over that quickly Because that was the least of my worries.

By the time I started Hogwarts, I had my character down perfectly. I was going to be the ditzy blonde that was the perfect Scarlett woman. My plan was to get Ron for myself. I had even tried going out with other guys to get his attention. I did everything in my efforts to make a usually well mannered Hermione jealous. It wasn't easy but I had thought I had broken something. They had been fighting all the time.

So when Draco had flooed me for the first time I had told him that all this fighting would soon lead to a break up. But it's been two weeks since then. And which couple is still going strong? Ron and Hermione.

It was 12:03 now and any second I would see Draco's face appear in the fire. I was alone in the common room sitting on the rug in front of the fireplace.

"Hayden." Dracos face appeared.

"I'm really sorry Draco! I really thought they were so close."

"I'm sick of your excuses. You've been at that school for almost 3 months now. What is the hold up?"

"They really love each other." I said quietly. I hope he wasn't getting too angry.

"Love each other? why does that matter? if the pretty girl act isn't working do something else. Are you a witch Hayden?"

He wanted me to answer. He would always ask me stupid questions that made me feel inferior when he asked them.


"Do you go to a magic school?"


"Aren't there spells that you could use? maybe even a love potion?"

"Well, yes, I suppose but-"

"But nothing." He cut me off. "Get a love potion or do something. I don't care. Obviously you're not desirable enough for the weasel so do something else!"

"Draco, if I do this can I go home?"

"As soon as you get those two apart and every last Weasley is killed you can go back to the states."

"Can't I at least contact my family?"

"No! of course not. I could go to Azkaban for kidnapping! Now go. Before anyone's sees us. You have until Christmas or we attack whether Granger's in the picture or not. "

And then he was gone. Just like that. I left to go back to my dorm. When I got there I saw Ginny and Hermione in their beds. Ginny looked peaceful. But Hermione was breathing heavily. It looked like she just ran a mile. She must be having a bad dream. I made my way over to my bed and fell asleep almost immediately.

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