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It came to the first hogsmeade weekend and the late fall air was crisp against my skin as I walked hand in hand with Ron. We were walking to the three broomsticks to save a table for Harry and Ginny when they decided to join us after a quick stop at zonko's.

"wow, it's crowded in here." Ron said looking around for an empty table.

When he found one we quickly walked over to claim it before someone else could. I was glad that we had this time together. No one has seen Hayden all day and I was not complaining. The girl had been getting on my nerves the last couple of weeks.

As it turns out, she's actually quite good at school. She was competing with me for top of our year. But as good as she was, she came in a far second so I really had nothing to worry about. I could tell she was bitter about this fact. She mentioned to Ginny and me one night how she had gotten an award for highest marks in the history of her old school. I bet she was probably studying right now.

"do you want a butter beer?" Ron asked.

"sure. Thanks." he got up and walked over to the bar to order. When he came back he sat down with a little bit of foam on his upper lip. I laughed a bit.

"what?" he asked innocently.

"you got a bit.. Just there." I swiped my thumb across his lip and licked it off. His eyes shot wide open.

"blimey, Hermione. That was sexy as hell." he said astonished.

I just laughed as I took a sip of my drink purposefully leaving a bid on my lip. When I was sure he noticed it there I slowly licked it away.

"tell me again why we decided to come here." Ron said running a hand through his hair.

"what do you mean?"

"I mean..." he started scooting closer to me and grabbing my hip. "I'd much rather be back in my dorm snogging you senseless."

His face was so close. I could see the ginger scruff he left on his face; he must have been too lazy to shave this morning. Our noses were touching and I was vaguely aware of how much in public we were. He knew I hated PDA. It was something I had constantly complained about over the summer when we had gone on dates or to the beach. At first he took it as disinterest but he later was assured that it was only because of my problem with public affection. I didn't like seeing other people doing it and I didn't like them seeing me do it.

The way I explained it to him was that our affection toward each other was personal. It was a connection that only we shared and not only did I want it to happen only between us, I wanted us to be the only ones to know about it. He understood and I was grateful for that.

But there was always a sneak moment where I would let my guard down and let him kiss me or touch me in public. And when that happened he took full advantage of it. Just like he was doing now.

He leaned in and lightly touched our lips together. He knew this drove me crazy. Ron was always the one to tease. His grip on my hip became tighter as our kiss became more passionate.

"oi! Love birds!" I heard Ginny calling from across the pub. I pulled away and noticed the tips of Ron's ears growing as red as his hair. We scooted over to make room on the bench seat for Harry and Ginny.

"Find anything good at zonko's?" I asked trying to lure the conversation away from mine and Ron's kissing.

"no. Not really. Nothing we haven't seen before. It seems Zonko's has become an off brand of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. They copy everything George comes up with." Ginny sighed.

"that's too bad." I said. "George needs to open up a shop here at hogsmeade. Branching out his company would really help sales. Especially with everyone away at Hogwarts."

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