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Ron and I were sitting on the common room couch long after everyone already went to bed. It was late and I knew I would regret this in the morning when I'd have to wake up early for class, but at the moment I didn't care.

The list for who made the quidditch team went up just after dinner and of course Ron was our keeper. Along with Ron, Harry was seeker, Ginny, a third year named Andy Balmer, and Hayden were chasers, and 5th year Jordan Kastl and 6th year Vivian Lowe were our beaters.

"quidditch will be fun this year, yeah?" I asked. "Jordan and Vivian are almost as good as Fred and George were."

Ron smiled and shrugged his shoulders. "yeah they're great. The whole team is actually. It's pretty rare we come across an entire team that's this talented. I hear Ravenclaw didn't have much of an option for keeper. They ended up picking a 4th year that's never even played before."

"really? Well I'm sure Gryffindor will go undefeated this year. With a team like this we're bound to win the House Cup."

Ron got up to poke the slowly dying fire, trying to bring it back to life. "yeah. And I know how much you hate me saying this, but I think Hayden will be a really big help."

Why did he have to bring her up. I sighed heavily and let my head drop to the back of the couch. I rolled my eyes even though I knew he couldn't see it.

"what?" he asked coming back to sit close to me on the couch.

"can't we have a single conversation without mentioning that ratchet girl?" I asked before I knew what I was even saying.

I felt like everything was always about Hayden. Hayden the new girl. Hayden the American. Hayden the smart girl. Hayden the amazing quidditch player. Ron was always talking about her. He never let us have a conversation about us.

"I'm sorry. I was just-"

"yeah you were just saying. I know. But, Ron, it's quite annoying when everything is always about her. And it's not just you doing it. It's everyone! Harry and Ginny are always mentioning her. I'm sorry if I can't be Hayden for all of you!"

I was fuming. I crossed my arms and looked directly into the fireplace. I was trying desperately to control the tears that were threatening to fall.

"Hermione, we're not asking you to be her. I was just saying that she could make a good contribution to the team."

I snapped my head to look at him. My hair got in my face and I had to brush it off quickly. "well stop just saying things!"

"quit being jealous!" Ron snapped back.

"I told you, I'm not-" I started but he interrupted me.

"of course you're jealous! You don't think I can see that? You don't think Harry or Ginny can see that? Hell, Hayden probably sees it too and continues just to make you mad. What do you think is going to happen, Hermione? Are you convinced that just because another girl might show a little interest in me that means I'm going to break up with you and run off with her? Is that your concern? Because if it is, you're mental! And it hurts me to see how little faith you have in me. In us!"

"I have faith in you, Ron! It's her I don't have faith in. Ever since she got here she's been all over you! What if the new person to school had been a boy? And what if that boy was all over me? I know for a fact you would be acting way more ridiculous than I am now."

"so you admit to acting ridiculous?"

I stood up. I didn't want to deal with this anymore. "fine, Ron! If you want to have some blonde bimbo all over you, be my guest. But don't come back to me when you get bored of Lavender... Oops. I mean Hayden."

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