Part 1 -

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Kaci's POV (most of this story is in Kaci's POV unless stated otherwise)

"kac, you can't just sit upstairs and have a pity party" I rolled my eyes at my dad shouting up the stairs.

I recently moved back in with my dad after a bad break up with a man, actually we won't even give him the luxury of being called a man after what he did to me.

Our relationship was always sort of toxic, I was silly to stick around.

I generally thought us moving in together would fix things, shock horror it didn't.

Long story short, he cheated on me atleast 6 times that I know off in the short amount of time that we did live together, it was more then likely alot more.

The last nail in the coffin was I came home from dinner with my dad to find him enjoying a threesome.

"Kaci, come on, come the game with me tonight, you used to hang with the lads all the time, I'm sure they would love to have you back again" my dad spoke now stood at the door of my bedroom instead of the bottom of the stairs.

My dad is Michael Carrick, Manchester United coach. I'd been around football since I can remember. It's always been a staple in my life, before dad was a coach he was a player.

"are you going to come?"
"yes, if it will shut you up and leave me alone for a bit, yes."
"thankyou, that was the answer I was after" he smiled while I rolled my eyes at him again, I know he only meant well, I hadn't been to a game in a long time, I used to go week in and week out, I was really good friends with some of the lads, Luke Shaw was one of them, unfortunately my ex made sure I lost pretty much all contact with them. Always saying he thinks I would cheat. Which was never ever the case. I hope I can fix my friendships again.

a broken girl, finds her smile again - luke shaw Where stories live. Discover now