Part 9-

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The few days after the Manchester United meal, I couldn't knock the smile of my face, me and Luke were giving us ago as more then friends, we had our first official date night yesterday with only scott knowing anything about it. To say it went well was a true understatement, I saw a side to luke I'd never witnessed before, he was sure a gentleman, I couldn't of asked for anything more.

I was sat at the table with my dad eating breakfast together, when he spoke asking a question
"do you know who Luke is seeing?" he asked, looking up from his emails and sipping his coffee, I shook my head
"nope, why? What even suggests he's seeing someone?" my dad give me a questioning look "he just seems to have a spring in his step is all, not that it's a problem, I just guessed you would know, since you are both friends" I just shook my head in his direction finished my coffee and head to put my stuff in the kitchen, when I heard him shout "I know it you, you can't lie to me Kaci" I heard him chuckle at the end of his statement "also you ain't very good at hiding your phone when texting, you need to work on that" I turned from the dishwasher looking up at my dad
"as long as he treats you better I don't care, you know I've been rooting for this to happen anyway" he laughed kissing the top of my head and placing his dishes in the washer behind me.
"ole does owe me a tenner tho, we had a bet on when it would happen and if it would"
"you have to buy me a coffee with that money since you was betting on your own daughters love life" he laugh and sealed the deal with a handshake.
"I love you kiddo"

a broken girl, finds her smile again - luke shaw Where stories live. Discover now