Chapter 4

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Julie is in her room when the boys were surprised by someone knocking on the studio door.

The noise is insistent and Luke hurries to open the door, sure it's Julie. <What did you forget?> he asks, before his eyes go wide in amazement.

Willie is standing in front of him, his hair popping out from under his helmet.

<Luke?> Alex's voice wakes him up. The boy reaches out to see the figure outside the studio door.
Slowly, his face loses colour and turns white.

<Willie..> he swallows and tries to take a step forward.

But there is something strange.

Willie isn't looking at him, he even isn't looking at Luke. It's like he can see right through them, like he's looking at something - or someone - that they can't see.

Alex reaches out a hand and tries to touch the boy's face, but his hand goes through it.
<What...?> Alex watches his hand, completely unable to think.

Reggie has joined them and is watching without understanding. Luke is shaken by a thrill, he's figured out what's going on.

It's the same thing that happened to him when Julie called them back to the Orpheum.
He couldn't stabilise, he's stuck between two realities. The desire to join the girl on stage was so strong that almost hurt him, but something was keeping him anchored to Caleb and breaking away was really hard.

Luke can't even imagine how hard it must be for Willie, considering Caleb owns his soul.
He feels Alex shaking right beside him when he hear Willie's desperate voice.

<Alex..> he calls, in a trembling voice. His eyes are like blind. He raises a hand and Luke finds himself watching Alex's hand repeatedly go through Willie's.

His friend's pain is almost palpable. Luke and Reggie don't know what to do.

After a few seconds, Willie disappears.

<No!> Alex shouts, running out of the studio.

Luke reaches him and stops him before he poofs out.
<Where are you going Alex? He's not here anymore!>

<But he really was here, Luke? What was it? What happened?> Luke pulls Alex by the arm and lets his head rest on his shoulder. With one hand he pulls him close, trying to calm him down.

<I don't know, man. It was like reliving the night at the Orpheum, when I couldn't tear myself away from Caleb to join you and Julie.>

<Do you think Caleb might have trapped Willie somewhere?> Reggie has joined them outside.
He's running a hand through his hair, thinking.
Luke has never seen him so serious.

<I don't know, he...he might. I mean, it wouldn't surprise me.>

Alex lifts his head and moves slightly away from Luke.
<How do we find him? How do we save him?>

<I think we should go back to the Hollywood Ghost Club. Maybe we can start there.>

The other two boys look at Luke, looking surprised.

<What?> he asks, confused.

<Nothing... you're, you're different.> Reggie smiles at him and Alex reaches out to ruffle his hair.

<Reg! I think our Luke has finally become an adult. And I also think that, for once, I'm not the one who has to walk you around like children in the park>

<Ah Ah Ah. Very funny Alex> Luke crosses his arms over his chest, pretending to be offended.

<I wonder what is the reason for this sudden change> Reggie and Alex look up in unison, looking towards Julie's bedroom window.

Can you feel me? - Julie And The Phantoms Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora