Chapter 11

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- morning -

Julie wakes up in her room, turns to the window she left open the night before and sighs.

In her dream, Luke had come back, entering the room through that same window. In her dream, he had run to her.

Instead, Julie is alone in the room and Luke has not returned.

She drags herself out of the covers, picking up the clothes scattered on the floor of the room and finding out a long-sleeved shirt and a pair of jeans.
She reaches the bathroom and begins to dress, still lost in the memory of the dream.

Suddenly, she hears a knock at the bathroom door and jumps.

For a moment she thinks it's Luke; she turns to the mirror and tries to fix her hair behind her ears, then asks <who is it?>

<Julie, it's me..> Alex's voice reaches her muffled from the other side of the door and Julie smiles instinctively.

She breathes a sigh of relief, not quite ready to see Luke after the argument of the night before.

She opens the door and lets Alex in, going to sit on the edge of the bath. The boy watches her through the surface of the mirror. He has a guilty look on his face, seeming undecided whether or not to say something.

<Alex? Did something happen?> Julie turns away from the mirror and goes to sit next to Alex. With a gentle push she taps his shoulder, making him laugh.

<Julie? Can I ask you something?> Alex turns to her, shoving his hands into his pockets.

<Sure, tell me> the girl's gaze is tender, trying to make him feel as calm as possible. Alex seems more anxious than usual and it makes her curious. The fact that the boys aren't with him is quite strange.

<It's about Willie...I, you see, I ..>

<You like him, don't you?>

Alex's eyes go wide, surprised by the girl's bluntness.

<I could already tell that there was something between you and him, but after seeing the way he looked at you yesterday I realized that the situation is more serious than expected. What's wrong Alex?>

The boy continues to look at her with his eyes wide open, tears are starting to form at the corners.
<So you know, you know I'm gay. And that's okay with you?>

This time it's Julie who looks surprised.

<Of course I know! Practically from the moment you appeared out of nowhere in the middle of Mum's studio. I don't know why, I just always knew. And yes, Alex, I'm totally okay..>

Alex hugs her, unable to contain himself. Julie laughs, surprised.

<The 90's must not have been a cakewalk for you, am I wrong?>

They both laugh and Alex loosens the hug. <Oh, yes you're right. No, they weren't easy but I'm sure I'll get a chance to tell you all about it. In the meantime, can you give me some advice? >

<Yes, anything. Just be careful, reliable sources say I'm not an expert in love.>

Despite the joking tone, they both feel the tension building in the room. The name 'Luke' hovers between them, but no one dares to say anything.

<I'll take what you give me. Here's the thing, I don't know how to tell Willie that I want what we have to become something more. I don't know how to tell him that I like him.>

<Well, I don't think there's a right way to say it. Just ask him if he feels the same way about you. I'm sure he'll say yes. I mean, I could tell just by looking at you together.>

<But what if he says no? What if I misunderstood? >

Alex gets up from the edge of the bath and reaches for the bathroom sink. He grabs onto the edges with both hands and, for a moment, is so surprised that he managed to do it that he forgets everything else.

Julie doesn't notice and misunderstands his reaction. She gets up and hugs him from behind, resting her own head on the boy's shoulder.

<A. I have no doubts. Trust me, it will be fine!> Alex turns around and welcomes her into his arms, smiling at her.

The door knocks again, but this time the person outside doesn't wait for an answer.

The door swings open and Flynn bursts into the bathroom, her breath preventing her from speaking.
Her eyes scan the entire room, lingering a moment too long on where Alex is still leaning.

Julie sees her blink twice, before recovering and sighing.

<Julie, girl, I think I really need to see a doctor. If my eyes don't stop playing these tricks on me I might really start to think I can see ghosts.>

Julie and Alex look at each other confused. <Ghosts? Flynn, what are you talking about? Can you see Alex?>

<Alex? Oh, hi!> She waves a hand in Julie's direction, hoping to guess Alex's exact location.

<No, of course I can't see him! Just, sometimes I seem to see the light 'moving' around you, like a glow. But maybe it's nothing..>

<Mmm..> Julie walks up to her, motioning Alex to go get the others. He soon poofes out.

<We'll have to try and figure out what this is all about, I don't like it..>

<Oh! Forget about it! There are more important things we need to talk about! You have a concert in two weeks and you didn't think to tell your agent? Do you have any idea the amount of stuff we have to organise?>

Julie walks out of the bathroom, listening amused to Flynn's words. <No, actually I have no idea what we need. Do you?>

She turns, motioning for her to follow her down to the kitchen.

They walk down the stairs with Flynn still repeating rambling phrases about the need to find the perfect outfit, warm up the voice, improve the logo.

Julie only listens to her friend half the way down, though.

When her eyes find Luke sitting at one of the kitchen stools, her mind goes blank.

All she can think about is the dream, only the moment he came through the window and runs to her.
She has imagined their first kiss, and now she can't help thinking about what it would be like to actually experience it.

Luke notices that he is being watched and lifts his gaze, meeting Julie's. He gives her a nod of greeting, even trying to smile at her.

But... How can he continue to carry out his plan when she looks at him like that?

Hi everyone!
I'm sorry if this is a short chapter but.. Something really interesting is going to happen. Can't wait to tell you more!

Just stay tuned,
See you next chapter!

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